Author Topic: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old  (Read 2867 times)

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Offline Clairehv

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Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« on: July 28, 2016, 20:55:31 pm »
Wasn't whether to post here or on the bottle feeding thread, its me again 😉

Having battled to get to a 3 hour easy and some day time naps established we have had some success in the last week, however Ayda is over 10 weeks now, is a slow feeder and just doesn't seem motivated by milk, at most she takes around 90ml

I have managed to get her doing some reasonable naps earlier in the day however I am struggling from the 4pm feed.

If she has some milk around 4/4.30pm I am trying to get a nap in after that.
However I have to get dd1 in the bath no later than 6pm to avoid her OT meltdown

Dd2 - Ayda is always quiet/happy in the bath and usually seems content being dried and dressed.
Then will flat refuse bottle start crying and just escalate for up to 40 mins before she falls asleep having had no milk.

Could someone cast their eyes over my last few days and make any suggestions bearing in mind I have to bath the girls together or at a similar time

Wu : 6 45 (never seems bothered for milk)
E 7.15: 60ml
S: 8.15- 9.50am
E 10.15 80ml
S: 11-1pm
E: 1.15 : 80ml (full vomit after )
S : 2.30-4pm
E: 4.30pm 60ml
S in arms 5.20-5.40pm
Bath 6pm, out a dried 6.15
No crying but refused bottle. Settled with dummy and asleep 6.45pm
WU 9pm -  60ml
E 12am 40ml
E 4.30am 60 ml

Wu 7am
E 7.20am 60ml
S 8.30-10..10 in pram- fussy sleep kept waking
E 10.20- 90ml
S 11.00 (fell asleep on me then into pram) wu 12.40pm
1.15pm 60ml
S 2.30 (after crying, missed OT cue) - 3.20pm
Real crying escalating
E 3.40pm 80ml
S 4.45-5.30 in sling
6pm bath
6.30: refused bottle crying for 1 hour.
Asleep 7.30pm (still asleep 10pm

So I am concerned about her milk volume intake but a'll d o how to get the bed time bottle into her as we have regressed from 1 night wake where she would have 60-100ml to two wake ups

Previous week we had the OT scream I mg every night but n.a.p s were  completely unestablished.

Thanks for the help x

Offline Lolly

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2016, 20:56:57 pm »
How is the reflux now - is she on any meds yet?

I really think your small feeds and bedtime issues are reflux related and until that is better controlled you aren't going to make a lot of progress really :-\


Offline Clairehv

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2016, 20:46:54 pm »
she is on ranitidine which is helping.
Despite a cold in the few days she has been taking bigger feeds and finished a couple of 150ml bottles completely.

Yesterday as we didn't have DD1 we enforced some good naps with 2 hour walks in the pram.
Her last nap was 5.30-6.30 then we did bath, she drank 150ml settled ok by 7.30pm and only woke once at 2am where she drank 120ml rather than the usual 60.

Today hasn't been great though, can't get her over the 40 min nap hurdle in her cot. She did do a good second nap in the pram but then only slept 2.45-3.15pm and despite sling didn't go to sleep. Refused 4pm bottle and cried until fell back asleep 5-5.30pm.

Will get her weighed a d check the ranitidine dose this week x

Offline Lolly

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2016, 21:10:26 pm »
It can take a couple of weeks for the ranitidine to work properly and if she isn't on the full dose for weight it may need increasing. Let me know what her weight and dose is and I'll check it.

It sounds like it's OT plus the reflux not helping. I would just do what you can to get better naps and not worry about getting them in the cot for the time being.

Are you still thickening feeds too?


Offline Clairehv

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2016, 20:09:36 pm »
Thanks Laura, I will go to weigh in clinic tomorrow and let you know.

On my days without DD1 like today I can nap enforce with long car drives and walks. So Tuesday - Thursdays may become better days than the others.

Have just continued with the normal aptamil as she couldn't drink the thick formula.
We have minimal vomiting now although I still rarely lie her down.


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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2016, 20:17:30 pm »
Well what a week.....

Firstly A is 5.5kg tracking on that 50th percentile line.
Haven't managed to get to the GP to check the dose, as unfortunately, I ended up in hospital with Ayda on Wednesday.
She has had a bad cold since last Thursday and I had put the increase in occasional vomit after her feed down to the coughing attacks.
However she didn't keep a feed down from Tuesday and had dry nappies on Wednesday..our GP was great and referred us in to be cautious. I expected to be sent home but she was so lethargic and vomited her bottle that I gave her t here straight away. At 9pm they decided to keep us in and at 1am tried to get a cannula in. That was awful, tried ever hand arm and feet and failed.
Any she started taking 20ml every two hours and keeping it down which increased to 60ml today and we are home. She will be fine and is happy and smiling again.

That's our news anyway.
Will get her back on track after the weekend as the only bonus of illness is very sleepy baby!!!

Could have punched DH though. Somehow despite him being at home and not at the hospital overnight he is more tired than I and had to have a day sleep rather than take A for a walk !! Seriously men!

Offline Lolly

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2016, 20:24:50 pm »
Oh no! Poor baby - and Mummy. And yeah, men... ::) I'm sending your DH a cyber slap :P ;)

What was it? A virus?

I hope you manage to get back on track, take it slowly!


Offline Clairehv

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2016, 20:40:45 pm »
Yes just something viral. Amazing how LO's can deteriorate but pick up again so quickly.

I am still giving ranitidine 0.5ml 3 x a day. At 5.5kg should the dose be increased?


Offline Lolly

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2016, 21:15:42 pm »
I am still giving ranitidine 0.5ml 3 x a day. At 5.5kg should the dose be increased?

The dose range for 5.5kg is 0.7ml - 1.4ml x 2 per day normally, that's 2-4mg per kg. Sometimes they will only dose 1-3mg per kg for little ones so she is getting the equivalent of nearly 3 mg per kg it's just spread over 3 doses instead of 2. There is room for the dose to be increased so it may be worth speaking to your Dr about the dose, it maybe that she would be better with the dose x2 per day and a bigger dose rather than spread into 3 :-\. My DS was on the full 4mg per kg x 3 per day for a while but he was a lot older than your LO at the time.


Offline Clairehv

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Re: Struggling with end of day/bedtime with 10 week old
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2016, 19:58:49 pm »
Thank you.
Still getting rid of this virus so will get over that and then evaluate how she is with the reflux. Had to judge why she is bringing up feeds at the moment. dD1 and DH been unwell also.
Fun times x