My DS, aged 18 months, has been waking up at about 5am for the past 6 weeks, if not longer!, but it can vary between 4.30 and 6am.
l would like some help and advice on how to remedy this if possible please.
If he wakes at 4.30 l can get him to go back to sleep on me, in my bed (not something l want to continue long term even if it is nice) but after 5am he is ready to start his day, which l am not as three nights a week l do late shifts so don't get to bed until 12.30.
Our easy is something like this
WU - 4.30 - 6am
Nap - 5 hours after waking - this can be between 1.5 & 3 hours long
lunch - this can be before or after depending on the time he naps.
dinner - 4.30/5pm
Bed - 6/6.30
A couple of questions
Should he be on a 12 hour day? 5am WU 5pm BT?
l read that he should nap 5 hours after waking - is this true?
l think this started of as sleep regression and a wonder week leap? But now lm wondering if its just a habit that needs breaking. l have thought about doing the W2S but l'm just too tired & too scared to do this incase he starts his day even earlier!
l hope l've posted this in the right area.