My daughter turned 2 a month ago. Before our holiday over her birthday, she was a great independent sleeper. I would just lay her down in her cot and walk out, and she would put herself to sleep easily. Her schedule would be from 7.30pm-6.30am and a nap from 1.30-2.30pm.
We came back from a 3 week holiday a fortnight ago and since then there have been sleep issues for 2 weeks.
She didn't have any jet lag, so the first 4 nights we let her cry it out. Unfortunately she can climb out of her cot and come crying looking for me. But when she is too tired, she tries unsuccessfully to climb out of the cot, and would stand in her cot for 4-5 hours (the first hour would be escalating crying, asking for me, and eventually stop crying but just standing In her cot). When I feel that she is very sleepy and needs to lie down instead of closing her eyes whilst standing for 4-5 hours, I quietly try to lay her down, only for her to start crying again and it starts all over again with the standing and waiting for me to come in.
We stopped the cry it out method thereafter. She dislikes being put in her cot and only after much persuasion and telling her that I'm sitting next to her, she would finally lie down. But would make excuses that she is thirsty, blanket coming off, check that I'm still there by sitting or standing, all the while I have to sit at the ajar bedroom door. It can take up to 2 hours for her to sleep.
She then wakes up multiple times a night calling for me, so I would lay her down in her cot and inform her that I'm sitting next to her. But she would whisper "mama" off and on to check that I'm still there. If I'm not there, she would start crying again.
Now she dislikes nap time (when previously she would know that she is tired and want to go to her bedroom to sleep). And doesn't want me to close the bedroom door during nap time either.
I think she got used to sleeping in the same room as us whilst travelling (even though she would be in her own cot).
With the lack of sleep, she would be overly tired during the day, and inevitably be grumpy and clingy the whole day.
I've had a look at the walk-in/walk out method, but think her cries escalate every time I walk out. Is there an element of the Gradual Withdrawal Method I could implement such that I don't even need to step into the room to lay her down during the middle of the night, or something else?
Could you help? I just want the same routine as what it was before the holiday!
Thank you!