My lo is 2.5. He has always been good at going to bed by himself. I have always just layed him in his bed and he has put himself to sleep. He has been potty trained for about 6 weeks and about 3 weeks ago we moved him to a bed. Now he still goes to sleep by himself but he wakes every night around midnight insisting that I lay with him. I have laid beside him, sat beside him, and can do this for 3-4 hours- without him falling asleep. I'm losing patience fast. Not sure how to help him? Trying the WI-WO method. It seems that it's only infuriating him. Im on my second night. The first night I ended up just sitting with him for an hour after 2 hours of trying the WI-WO method. Can somebody give me any advice on how to help him? He is now overtired through the day and because of it he's not napping the greatest either.
Schedule before we started staying up:
6:30 wake up
7:30-8 breakfast
10 snack
12-1 begins nap. Sleeps for 1.5 to 2 hours
3 snack
5:30 supper
7 small snack (cookie or yogurt)
8 bedtime
Any advice is greatly appreciated. My fiancé works away through the week and is only here on weekends. He's not much help when it comes to sleep training . He would rather just sleep with him then hear him cry. He is much appreciated through the day though- since he takes the load off of dealing with a cranky toddler. I'm one for trying anything- but this is a battle which I'm currently not winning 😔. And at this point every night- I honestly could just cry my eyes out.