I have twin toddlers 20 mo. The one has seperation anxiety and it drives me nuts. I'll walk out of his line of sight for a second and he'll freak out one time and the next he's fine. I have been telling him when I leave the room and that I'll be back so he learns to trust me, but it doesn't seem to be working ( though he freaks out more if I don't tell him I'm leaving). He used to be really good and play at other's houses without me when I had appointments to go to, but now he gets really moody and gets upset really easily when I leave him at the sitters (same place since he was an infant). He does tend to get more upset about my leaving if he is tired, or hungry, or there are lots of kids making lots of noise. If it's just him and his brother and he is entertained then he does fine for the first hour until he realizes I am gone. I'm just not sure what to do for him... Thoughts?