Hi all,
Anyone have tips for readjusting from traveling?
We tried a quick method but DS got run down quickly and slept a lot less. I expected this as it took us 7 days to adjust to Korea time, 14 hr ahead, but he caught up on sleep quickly there. We're trying a gradual method of shifting every 2 hrs or so each day. It's tough though.
Normal routine:
Bed 8:30pm-6:30am
Nap 1:00pm-2:00pm
Bed 11:00am-9:00pm
Nap around 3:00am for 1-1.5hrs
I'm pushing A times to 7hrs until we can get to a decent hour. I take him out first thing in the morning. Again, I tried capping the day sleep to 4 hrs and planned to go down from there, but his night sleep didn't extend like it did in Korea. Maybe he's ready now after being here a few more days?