Hi thank you for being so kind! Things aren't improving yet unfortunately. I've been pushing out the A to 2hr 45 and capping the CN at 20 mins but still waking at 5/6am 😞 I know he's down on his milk intake but I've done everything possible to encourage him including singing, dancing, walking outside, quiet dark room, gentle music...you name it! It's a huge success to get him to take 6oz but on average he takes 4-5 oz per feed. He is on 4 feeds a day (usually takes about 15-17oz) and then will always take his best feed at the dream feed, usually 7/8 oz. As he's underweight I have been relying on the dream feed to bump up his weight a bit but now I'm wondering if it's hindering his daytime intake?? I usually do the DF at 11pm so thinking of pulling this forward to 10.30 maybe?
Anyways I'll post his routine yesterday so you can see what you think. This resulted in him stirring from 5am and waking at 6am this morning😟
WU: 6.20 am
E. : 7am (4.5oz)
A. : 6.20-9am
S : 9-10.50 am
E. : 11.15 (5oz)
A. : 10.50-1.40
S. : 1.40-3.45
E. : 4pm (4oz)
A. : 3.45- 7pm
Bath 6.20
Bottle 6.45 (4oz)
Bed 6.55
If you have any suggestions or thoughts I'de be so grateful ☺️