Author Topic: Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️  (Read 1844 times)

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Offline kjr928

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Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️
« on: August 10, 2016, 04:07:23 am »
Everything was going ok, and then we get to the 6 month mark and that's when it all goes down the toilet (this is my 3rd kid and it keeps going this way). The problems started around a month ago with night wakings, but it turned out she really just needed to go down to 2 naps. I more or less resolved that problem and we went from 6-7 night wakings down to about 3. Still terrible for a 7 month old but better.

This past week she got roseola - a 103 degree fever followed by a rash. It comes with loss of appetite and trouble sleeping. She's gotten over that now but she is constantly waking up - all night long. I have no idea how many times I got up with her last night. Put her to bed around 8pm and from 10pm - 2am she woke up about every 15-30 minutes. Then I had a break from 2-5am, then the constant waking began again until we got up for the day. It's midnight here now and we are headed down a similar path again tonight.

I cannot function like this. I am so exhausted now that I'm actually yelling at her when she cries. I need help FAST.

A typical day for us:
7:30 wake & BF
9:00 cereal & fruit
10 nap
11:30 wake & BF
12:30 solids
2:30 nap
4:30 wake & BF
5:30 solids
7:30 bed

Of course, "typical" seems to have gone out the window lately. I have noticed the last few days that I'm having a really hard time keeping her awake for her next nap, and she is waking up early. For example, today her second nap was rom 1:45-3. Just over an hour. Please help us!!!!!

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2016, 06:23:59 am »
Hi sorry you're having a rough time of it. Usually for us those constant NW are discomfort. Could she be teething or still not quite over the illness?

How are you trying to resettle her in the night? What's her milk intake like, has that changed since she was sick?

She's napping well during the day and it could be that she's getting a tad too much day sleep which aren't helping the NW. About 2.5hrs sleep during the day would be average. If she's waking earlier than usual that first A time might need a little push too.


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Re: Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2016, 08:52:57 am »
That sounds like our experience with teeth. Have you tried any pain relief for her?
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Offline FPT23

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Re: Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2016, 15:37:19 pm »
Oh my, many hugs, love.

I'm so sorry. That sounds very exhausting and I'm sure overwhelming with 2 other siblings to care for. Hang in there- it happens and you will get passed this :)

I agree with the above- frequent night waking like that could be due to discomfort. Have you tried medicating before BT? How long has she been on 3 solid meals a day? ...have you considered skipping the last meal (solids; closest to bedtime) to see if it helps make a difference?

Her EASY looks good to me. I would be more concerned about a possibly discomfort since waking so often can be that....

Also, there is a growth spurt around 6 months... When she wakes at night, have you tried nursing/feeding her? Or how have you been handling her NWs

Many many hugs. Hang in there!!

Offline kjr928

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Re: Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2016, 03:30:23 am »
Hi there, thank you so much for the responses. I always find it difficult to come back with updates because I'm so tired and have so little time to myself.

So our EASY today was something like this (I should really write this stuff down so I don't forget):

8:15 wake & BF
10:30 nap
12 wake & BF
12:30 cereal/fruit
2:30 nap
3:30 BF
5pm peas/sweet potato
7pm BF
7:15 bed

So I'd like to point out that I do not BF her to sleep for her naps or bedtime. When she wakes at night I *try* to alternate cuddling her and BFing. Although sometimes I'm so exhausted and desperate at night I quickly give in to BFing because it works much better.

Since I put her to bed tonight:
10pm BF
11pm cuddle/swaddle/pace around the room (right now it's 11:22pm so I still have a long way to go).

I noticed that the moment I pick her up, she is instantly comforted. She will fall asleep in my arms, then I will lower her back in her crib and before she even touches the mattress she starts crying again (rinse and repeat over and over and over). It seems like she likes to be held securely and more upright and as soon as she feels her body positioning change, it startles her or something.

On the other hand, if I BF her, I can more or less unceremoniously dump her back in her crib and stomp out of the room and she doesn't care.

Could this be a reflux issue? I do have some Zantac on hand i could try on her (doctor prescribed several months ago but turned out I didn't need it at the time). Aside from feeding solids earlier, is there anything else I can do? This is really affecting my life negatively!!!

Thank you.

PS - we have tried baby Advil but it doesn't seem to be helping.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 03:34:22 am by kjr928 »

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Re: Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2016, 09:19:12 am »
I noticed that the moment I pick her up, she is instantly comforted. She will fall asleep in my arms, then I will lower her back in her crib and before she even touches the mattress she starts crying again (rinse and repeat over and over and over). It seems like she likes to be held securely and more upright and as soon as she feels her body positioning change, it startles her or something.

My DS2 was like that - turned out to be a middle ear infection. The pressure was so much better when he wasn't lying down, moment he lay down he'd be really in pain... he did nothing to show there was an ear infection but after 2 days of waking every 20mins a friend told me get to the Dr there must be a medical reason.

The fact BF seems to help could indicated ears too as the sucking will help reduce pressure.
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Offline FPT23

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Re: Sleep deprivation NEED HELP FAST ☹️
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2016, 18:35:16 pm »
I understand it can be hard but anytime you can, we are here to help try and ease things for ya :) hugs.

Interesting on the ears thing... Has she always done that or recently started? It's worth having a dr take a look. Perhaps it is something like an ear ache. Doesn't hurt to try.

Now, based on her EASY.. If this is not a discomfort issue- maybe you can try working on her A times a bit. She's 6 months now and should be closer to 3hrs A time. This could be temporary though since her nights are so bad, she might be tired and I understand that too. However, it can be continue to be a viscous cycle ::) of OT also. Her last A time to BT is 3.5 hrs. Does she have a hard time settling at BT? That's quite long. If you notice, her second nap is a bit on the short side as well-- 1hr is that right? 2:30-3:30? could be because her A times are on be shorter side. After a short nap like that, and such a long A to BT, could be getting her a bit OT. You may want to slowly begin to increase her A times. Very gradually, by 10 mins or so for a few days. Not ALL the A times at once.. But maybe start with the A time after her first nap since its a long good nap she takes... Or if she prefers a longer morning (some prefer shorter. Go by your babies cues) you can increase that A time, for a few days. It takes time and adjustments on her part but it could help some if it's an EASY issue... Sometimes NWs are due to UT from her day. She wants to be awake more :)

This, again, is assuming it's her routine.

Waking so often like that though really just sounds like some sort of discomfort. I would just call it a day and go with a dr. Doesn't hurt to try? ...I would revisit solids as well. 3 solid meals for BF too can be a lot, and so soon. I barely started mine (a bit early as well as he seemed ready! He is! He opens up crazy for that food haha!) with solids and although he takes them very very well, it was very upsetting for him too. He also started waking often and other things. All babies are different but just some insight. I breast feed as well! I do twice a day now.. I don't feed the 3rd one yet since its close to BT. I don't want to go there yet, just in case. Worth some playing around with, on the solids end? Wdyt?

Hope this helps and many hugs. It's so hard but sending positive vibes your way!!!