Last week my three year old sold announced that he didn’t want his soother anymore and threw it out the window- which sounds like a dream right? No! The reason we were so reluctant to even focus too much on him giving it up was because he was always an awful sleeper. We’ll that’s nothing compared with now.
Last March we moved him from a child-minder to a crèche as we didn’t think that he was getting enough stimulation and following this his bed time was around 7.30/8.00. Prior to this it was 9.30/10.00 before he would sleep. We suspected that she was putting him down for a nap during the day.
So for 4-5 months he was sleeping great (the odd bad night where he wouldn’t go to bed for us and particularly when we took the side off his cot) but in general he wouldn’t even see 9 O’ Clock.
Last night he didn’t go to sleep until 11.00 pm!!!!!! But its not like it’s a one off,. Since Sunday his bed time (or time he falls asleep) have been like this:
Sunday 11.00 (and only after he got in to bed with us)
Monday (9.30)
Tuesday (9.30)
Wednesday 11.00 (and only after I squeezed in to bed with him)
I might add that despite being kept nice and busy at crèche we also now have to spend 2-3 hours outside after crèche/work trying to tie him out.
Nothing has changed with his routine. He goes up stairs (these days at around 9 – no point even trying earlier) has a bath (not all the time) uses the toilet, cleans his teeth, PJs, story in bed with milk in a cup and then kisses, light out.. MAYHAM!!!
I know that he needs to learn to settle without that cursed “dodu” but how do I do that? The best I can come up with is the plan for this evening which is to go swimming in the evening (and every evening until eternity) so he’s so tired that he goes right asleep thereby learning how to sleep. I don’t want to get him in the habit of me being in bed with him or him with us but Im seriously considering it!!!!
I’ve read horror stories online from Mums with kids that took 4-5 months to learn to sleep after dodus. I wish I could be one of those parents that takes these things in their strides, but you can cut the air with a knife at night in our house. We are usually such a nice happy house but this is taking its toll on us all. DS is just tired and cranky. DH is inside on his own in the evening making dinner, cleaning etc as Im outside with DS trying to tire him out and Im just shattered. I have to be up at 5.30 every morning and in order to get the things I need to do in the evening its later and later by the time I go to bed. I got 5 hours sleep last night!
Please help!!!! Anything….