Author Topic: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!  (Read 2018 times)

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Offline Batool huzaifa

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Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« on: August 18, 2016, 18:39:57 pm »
Hi..i have used this forum before too but lost my thread...i had sleep trained my 6 months old with pupd wch had worked for him..he used to wake up 2 or at max 3 times in the night for bf with which i was okay..and then we had this holy month in june in wch we used to come home around 10 n he would be supertired and would most likely go to sleep while breastfeedimg..bfre this month his bedtime was 8:00 but now it had become was then wen i lost control..i tried my best with pupd again but since he knew how to sit up he would just sit n was not ready to lie down..then i used sh pat..i had to pat him realy realy hard bfre he would sleep..he would move for around 15 20 mins and then finaly sleep..he used to wake up 3 to 4 times and either bf or sh pat to sleep..but now since the 9 th mnth regression he has become worse..he sleeps around 11 at night for wch i m responsible too but dont know how else to set his schedule so tht atleast i get to sleep at tht time too..and he wakes up every 2 hours till 6 and then every hour or every galf an hour n resists too much to get down to sleep..i just simply bf him or very rarely sh pat him since m so tired to try anything else..he was ill too in between n since then its getting worse only though now he is daytime sometimes he skeeps for 2 hours in 2 naps and sometime 3 hours in 2 naps..never more than that..i font know how to set his schedule n wat to do..he is big now so he understands all the strategies..m so tired stayinh up all night that i hit him last night which made me seek ur help..plzzz help

Offline Batool huzaifa

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Re: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2016, 18:42:02 pm »
Also his activity time varied so much tht i cant rely onhis cues..sonetimes he is tired in 2.5 hours n other times in 4 hours..he never sleep wen we r outside fr mre than half an hour

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2016, 18:58:18 pm »
Hi there

Sorry things aren't going too well. It would be really helpful if you could you post a couple of days routine in an EAS format please so that we can get a better idea of what's going on and try to help you get him back on track.

Offline Batool huzaifa

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Re: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2016, 01:25:48 am »
As such there is no routine but i ll post watever i remembr from past few days..
 Wu: between 8 n 10..not fixed
If he sleeps better at night he will stretch his a time to 3 hours or more or else he wont..
A:2.5 to 3.5 hours..breakfast too
S:while breastfeeding

Wu:after 1 or 2 hours
A:3 to 4 hours..lunch too
S:1 hour

Wu:aftr 1 hour
A:4 to 4.5 hours
Bedtime :around 10 or 11..sleep while breastfeeding usualy..

Wake up atleast 6 times at hours of sleep..around 8 to 9..but varies..

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2016, 05:52:35 am »
Has he ever been an independent sleeper or has he always fallen asleep whilst breastfeeding?
I think if you could work on that and a more consistent routine it would really help to eliminate some of these NW.

When he wakes in the night how do you settle him back to sleep? Apologies for all the questions it just helps us get a better understanding of what's going on.

Below are some sample routines for his age bracket which may help you to see what others are doing.

chronological EASY samples, 10-12 months

What do you think?

Offline Batool huzaifa

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Re: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2016, 17:14:11 pm »
Yes he used to sleep after moving a lot and little crying he would go to sleep on his own..i wpuld lay him down n hide myself...he would move n then aftr some protest he wpuld go to tht time he used to wake up 2 times a night at 6 mnths of age wch i dint mind at all..i ahve to breastfeed him now everytime he wakes up..bfre also i sed to breastfeed him wen he ised to wake up in the night but then again i would lay him down awake sometimes and sometimes he would go back to sleep on my breast..he was not a good napper at tht he naps well but the nights are horribl...his activity tomes vary so much tht i cant put hkm into a strict routine..sometimes he wants to stay up for longer and sometimes not...wen he strtd to learn sitting n standing thts wen the lroblem arouse..wen i would lay him down he would sit up n dint want to lay down..then i started patting him harder..n since them everythinh got worse only..indont know how to make him learn to sleep independently again since he is much more stubborn now..

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2016, 18:54:49 pm »
I think PU/PD will be the way to go to get back to independent sleep again.

Have you had a read of this? It should be quite helpful. Pick Up/Put Down (PU/PD) - Everything you ever needed to know! At this age and with the fact that he can stand up and sit back down you would probably want to just sit next to his cot and keep saying a sleepy phrase until he lays down unless he's crying in which you would pick him up until he calms down again.

It might also be helpful to set some age appropriate nap times and BT and stick to them for a week to see if it makes any difference. Babies love routine and consistency and you may find he falls into a more settled routine and reduces some of the NW.

Offline Batool huzaifa

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Re: Extremely tired with 11 mo old wakinh up every hour!
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2016, 15:11:28 pm »
Ok thnks..u read this article..i make him sleep on a mattress..he just rolls n rolls n finally stands week going back to my motherlamd..there i will pupd with him again and will update u..