My Little girl is 9mo. breast fed.
She has been on Easy since birth without any great success. I try and put into schedule everything I can but it seems like It doesn't make too much of a difference.
Her eating schedule is consistent, she takes solids very well no fussing. She takes two naps a day but they are all over the place, never at the same time and I don't seem to be able to control that. She goes to bed at 8 or 8.30 pm depending on when her last nap finished. Some nights she would fall asleep straight after her night time routine, some nights she will struggle for over an hour.
My main issues is that she keeps waking once or twice a night. Some random night in the last month when she would sleep from 8 till 5 just to fool us it's getting better. Some nights she would wake 5 times.
What am I doing wrong? Why won't she have a normal schedule and proper night sleep?
Help me, please.