Author Topic: 4.5+ hr NW  (Read 4068 times)

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Offline Lindsay27

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4.5+ hr NW
« on: August 25, 2016, 06:24:37 am »
DD has been really sick with a cold, and we are in the middle of an epic NW.  She woke at 10pm and it's now 2:30am and she's still not back asleep.  We've tried literally everything.  I guess I'm just asking what to do tomorrow? Once she eventually falls asleep, should I wake her in the morning? Should I cap her naps? I assume she's going to want to sleep a lot tomorrow, I don't want to let her sleep so much that this happens again, but she's obviously going to be horribly OT.

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2016, 06:49:28 am »
Oh poor Nora. I wouldn't wake her and let her wake by herself and then take it from there with a plan for the day.
If she wakes really late (9am ish) you might be able to do 1 long nap and then a very short 2nd with her usual bedtime so her day is shorter overall.


Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2016, 11:44:44 am »
She didn't crash until 3:30 and then woke at 7:15.  I just hope I can get her to nap today, because nothing I did last night worked and yesterday afternoon she napped on top of me because I couldn't get her down and she couldn't breathe.  Lord help me.

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2016, 12:56:24 pm »
Will she sleep in a buggy or car?

Hope you get a better day.

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2016, 14:24:50 pm »
Ugh we are in such a mess.  She has not recovered since that night, she is so chronically OT now I don't even know what to do.  She hasn't taken a nap longer than 30mins since that night.  Twice we have had days of 1 x 30min nap because of all out sleep refusal.  And now she's wakings at 4:45am and it takes her a solid 40mins to settle, then she'll sleep for 20mins and up for the day at 5:45am.

Yesterday after she woke at the 30min mark for her afternoon nap I just rocked her for another 1.5hrs just to get some sleep into her.  I don't know how she just hasn't crashed at some point and taken a good nap.  I don't know what to do, I am so utterly exhausted and frustrated.

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2016, 14:52:50 pm »
Hugs, sounds tough.

Is DS in school yet? Could you spend a day APOP her for both naps just to catch her up a bit? Have you tried a SEBT to catch up?

We've had a few family outings the past week or so where I has had 2 short naps and so have had her in bed before 6! Works for her but know some babies won't tack on.

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2016, 01:28:35 am »
No he doesn't start until a week from now.  He's at preschool tomorrow though so I am going to try to APOP if I can.  Today was 2 x 30 mins.  Part of me thinks she needs a super short A time one day and maybe that would help her to get a good nap.  But it means the day would end really early.  She's still not feeling well and I'm sure that is part of the problem as she normally might stir at 30 or 45muns, but now when she does that she realizes she can't breathe through her nose and wakes up.  She can't really take a soother at all right now because she still so congested.  This cold is just never ending!

My DS never tacked on so SEBTs scare me lol.  And really she's never done more than a 12hr night so at the very best a 6pm BT would get us a 6am WU, which we can live with obviously, but I don't know.  Will try a shorter A tomorrow and APOP.

Offline FPT23

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2016, 16:59:23 pm »
So sorry about your LO being sick! :(

How is she feeling? I skimmed quickly but just to add some advice... Since she's been sick, I would just let her sleep, and maybe cap her morning A time having that long night! :( 30 min naps are clearly OT...! I would def try and sleep or resettle all naps on purpose. When they get sick and OT they need that extra help. At least, mine does! He's a great IS and those times I've had to help, didn't really affect his ability to sleep on his own once it all passed.

I know EBTs scare you... Haha me too! Especially when we don't get 12hr nights often either and DS1 did 5am for YEARS. Haha! But, for now as recovery- I would. My LO recently got OT from our vacations and EBT helped-- he pulled through and did 12 hr nights. Once caught up, that changed haha back to his normal!

Have you tried clearing her nasil canals? With some saline? Or the syringe bulb? That's rough when they use the paci or suck their thumbs. I remember the first time DS1 got sick and woke every 2hrs bc he couldn't breathe :( it's so sad! But I had to do a lot of helping... I wouldn't wake from naps or keep all A times the same. I had to reduce one of the A times to recover from OT from this last vacation.

But to answer you, I wouldn't wake or cap anything. She's going to wake nights regardless probably until this passes. :(

Many hugs and hope she gets well soon!

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2016, 19:03:38 pm »
Her nights have been normal, actually better than normal, last night she did 13hrs straight through! But all naps are 30mins, and I try to resettle every time and she won't go back down.  I get when she's in the full thick of the sickness, but she's nearly over it but the naps are still horrid, and you'd think after a 13hr night that would be enough to catch her up? Nope.  Going on 1 x 30min nap today.  I am wondering if because I did so much APing when she was sick that now she's waking at 30mins and expecting me to help her back to sleep?  I don't know but it's been almost 2 weeks and I can't get anything done! I'm so frustrated!

Offline FPT23

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2016, 20:12:41 pm »
Oh I'm so sorry! Many hugs. I get how tiring that can be! Positive vibes mama. Hang in there! :(

Well if she can do 13hr nights, she can sleep independently. I would assume! Are the A times different? In 2 weeks she might have leaped to needing more A? Or where is she at currently? How do you have her on naps? When you put down, how is she? Fussy, mad, prolonging it or just going straight down? What has changed in your nap routine? I find that when they slept well for this long independently, it doesn't really change too much? At least mine hasn't when he got sick? But all babies are diff of course. Hope it passes soon !!

How's BT? Is she going down easily?

13 hour nights show that she's catching up for sure. 2 weeks of being sick and OT, she might just still be catching up? What do you think

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2016, 20:52:08 pm »
She goes down for naps and BT perfectly fine, she just can't get past the 30mins.  A times, it's a bit of a guessing game to be honest.  Before she got sick she was doing about 3.20/3.5hrs for her first A and the second was usually a bit longer...3.5-3.45hr.  After she got sick they plummeted obviously, she was doing maybe 2hrs.  We are back up to roughly 3hrs now, which shouldn't seem OT, but clearly I have no idea lol.

Offline FPT23

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2016, 13:54:15 pm »
Oh man... Well I guess it's all about figuring out the A times at this point :/

I think if she's going down easy and sleeping 13hrs at night.. She can still sleep independently.'I would assume so at least.

How's today so far?

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2016, 14:05:26 pm »
Yesterday she did 1 x 39 min nap.  This morning I did a 2.55hr A...30 min nap.  I'm so frustrated. 

Offline FPT23

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2016, 14:16:24 pm »
I'm so sorry :(
I know those short naps are the worst... Hugs!!! No resettling I assume?

How was her night before her first nap? 2.55.. What's her normal A time? Mine is 6.5 months and has 3hrs.
When she wakes, how is she?

During this time, do you think she is ready for more A time? Mine seems to need a little push every 2-2.5 weeks! Haha. All babies are diff though.

If she's having so many short naps, are you reducing the next A slightly?

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 4.5+ hr NW
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2016, 14:21:17 pm »
Her regular A before she was sick was 3.5hrs, we've gone backwards so much because of the constant 30min naps which I was assuming was OT.  Honestly, her A time isn't making a difference it is just 30mins no matter what.  Last night she woke briefly at 4:35am and settled herself and slept until 7am, roughly a 12hr night.