Author Topic: 3 MO wont nap hardly sleeping - help need sleep  (Read 2467 times)

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3 MO wont nap hardly sleeping - help need sleep
« on: August 26, 2016, 02:41:37 am »
Please help!

My LO just turned 3 MO and the last few days hasn't been sleeping much, waking way earlier than usual.  Also not really into napping.  His morning nap was always my time to get things done, and now he barely gets in one sleep cycle.  if his eyes are closed for 20-25 min I'm lucky... :(  help  used to wake at 8am and was up for 1.5hr then back to nap.  The morning nap was always 2hr, and afternoon was usually only 1hr.

he was :
awake 8
A 840
S-915 / 930 - 1130 / 1200
A-1230 - 115
S-130 to 230

and so on. Usually in bed 730-8

I'm really not sure what is going on.  He's waking from 630-7 now and not napping and now getting him to bed starts at 6 and can go until 930.  Part of me is also worried - I've been rocking him to sleep with a paci (bottle at night) and I don't want it to become habit or a prop for him.  Not sure when that really sets in but definitely don't want it to happen. 

He's definitely more fidgety through out the day and at night. (we've changed his formula and my diet to try and help) He can self sooth when he sucks on his hand but if he's not swaddled his hands wake him up (touching his head) so we swaddle and he can't self sooth.  He will mantra cry and sometimes go back to sleep usually can take 10-50 mins....  Some times i'll give him my breast and he'll get back to sleep, at least that's a lot quicker.

I don't know what to do anymore.  I check his temperature and make sure nothing wrapped around his toes... Please... anything...  Thanks


Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: 3 MO wont nap hardly sleeping - help need sleep
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2016, 18:51:36 pm »
Hi there!

It's annoying when you have a good routine going and then it all goes wrong isn't it!

There's a developmental leap around this time which affects sleep and I think this might be what your lo is going through. The fact that he was napping so well and now fighting all sleep is usually a sure sign that baby is working on something.
Have you heard of wonder weeks? Have a Google. There's a great app for it.

Your A times look fine so I would stick with what you were doing for a few more days.

The rocking might be something you would like to start weaning now. This is about the age when habits can be formed. Have you read anything about ssh pat Shush-pat - How to. I would recommend this as the way to start helping him to fall asleep.


Offline Csweet

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Re: 3 MO wont nap hardly sleeping - help need sleep
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2016, 23:29:33 pm »
Thanks for the reply Lauren!

I haven't heard of the wonder weeks.  I'll google and check out the app.  I'll also read up more on the shush -pat as well.  I really don't want any bad habits going forward!  He did nap a little better today.  Granted we were driving and he fell asleep for most of it but that being said two days ago we were on a drive and not a chance he would sleep.

I'll get googling! Thanks again!


Offline alwaystired

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Re: 3 MO wont nap hardly sleeping - help need sleep
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2016, 13:12:50 pm »
I could have written this myself, although my LO has always had 30 minute naps (with the except lately of a 2 hour one in the afternoon). Mine however, has started waking every 2 hours at night when he was going every 3 or 4. Ive been going to bed at 9 myself (hes in bed at 8) just to save my own sanity and get some much needed sleep! Good luck!