Wondering what I should be aiming for.
DS is 15.5 months and day sleep is all over the place with sometime long morn & cat nap later, one nap or cat nap & longer sleep in aft.
I'm confused and so is his little body probably, throw in he is an early waker and doesn't do more than 11 hrs at night (ever)
WE got rid of his dummy at 6months however, have snuck it back for catnap and early wakings (before 6am).
He is otherwise and independent sleeper, his room is pitch black and he has constant whitenoise!
We have always struggled with him with 30min naps so either stirs/wakes at that point every sleep hence 30min catnap and hopefully a longer nap. Usually does best with a longer morning sleep as that seems more restful sleep.
average day with me
6/6:30 wake
10:30 nap for 1hr 15-30
between 3 & 4pm cat nap (always up by 4)
7:30 bed asleep.
today as out for DD's friends bday
6:10 awake (left till 7:10)
12:20-1:20 sleep (stirred at 20 & 30 mins) left for an hour, didn't go back!
Bedtime will be 6:45 and will go to bed earlier, however, wakes pre 6am the next day! (too early)
Should I just go to one nap and stick at it and hope he sorts himself out. Yesterday refused afternoon catnap just played and only had an hour in the morning!! Went to bed ok but a misery in the evening before bedtime!
Help please!