Goodness, we're struggling with this 2-1 transition. Bub is lower on the spirited scale, 14 months, still waking up a night to nurse (we're working on night weaning, phew!)
-Lately he has been waking up between 5 and 5:30 for the day. Throws an absolute tantrum if we try and settle.
-Totally restless b/w 4-6A (which is light sleep), he wakes at 4, nurse down, then up at 5, and 5-6 is a total fight.
-Tires quickly in the morning, starting to give me sleepy signs by 7:00 some days, will sometimes want to nap b/w 8:00-8:30. I'm struggling to stretch his awake time b/c of the early WA
-Won't sleep more than an hour, maybe an 1.25 for his AM nap. I've tried PU/PD and he just fights it for the remainder of a full 1.5 or 2 hours. Sometimes wakes up happy.
-We try for an afternoon cat nap, but he fights it. We try to have a shorter awake time b/w AM nap and PM nap so he has more AT b/w PM and BT
-If he has a cat nap, BT is b/w 6:00 and 6:30
-If no cat nap, BT is by 5:30
-Doesn't matter what time he goes to bed, he's up no later than 6AM, and 6 is a "luxury" these days.
-Night weaning we feel we have hit a wall, see note*
-We are religious about his BT routine, and working on a more consistent NT routine.
He's such a mess, we're all tired, and I'm overwhelmed with where to start. The book makes it sound so easy and simple, and it's just the opposite for us right now.
*NOTE: We accidentally let him CIO twice, the monitor stopped working in the middle of the night. We (obviously) got a new monitor, but will be doing trust rebuilding soon. We had to do this before, as the power went out twice in the middle of the night and bub was accidentally left to CIO several months ago. We had great success with this when we hit a wall with our initial PU/PD, so hoping this will help with NW transition.
DH is starting his masters this winter, and I work from home. Ideally we would both like to wake up at 5AM, and work for two hours with bub waking up for the day at 7. This may be unreasonable, as bub has always been an early chicky, but that would be an "ideal goal", oh and for him to STTN and nap okay

Would LOVE LOVE LOVE any help or thoughts or feedback, please!