Your very welcome- happy to help! We ALL need it
Yes usually Tracy suggests weaning the DF later on but I just feel it's not really needed if he's waking for it less than 4hrs after his BT bottle. If during the day he can go 4-4.5 hrs... so anything less than that at nights doesn't sound like it would be hunger, kwim? But mom always knows best. Continue to do what works for you and what you feel is right- we second guess ourselves a lot don't we

...but maybe when you are ready, you can attempt some pu/pd but it's best after his daytime routine is adjusted and see if that helps with the NWs. Then, you might not even need to do any ST'ing at all. Many times it's as "easy" as fixing the daytime routine or maybe even developmental, such as deprecation anxiety or teething etc. I know had my baby now been my first born, and my first born was a baby now-- I would be thrown! DS2 has just been a pretty good sleeper compared to his brother... ever was! Haha

keep us posted on the NWs and that DF!
I would consider pushing BT a bit closer and maybe move in a nap sooner. The way you said sounds like a perfect plan. Give it a go and see if it helps!

doesn't hurt!
Way to go on the IS! Isn't it amazing having at least THAT down?! DS1, we did the whole, "rock baby to sleep, put down carefully but he woke insantly" deal... haha! Until I found the forums! I knew DS2 we would def do things different and it has helped tremendously!
Let us know what works for you! It helps to write down your easy! That way you can refer back on a day he sleeps through and you can figure out what was done that day, and see if you can find a pattern!

if u wish