There isn't a specify thread about WD for touchy babies or minute by minute breakdown but this gives a general overview:
What does a good wind down consist of (Includes 4S ritual)My DS is a combination of touchy-textbook-spirited but definitely touchy around sleep! He was (& still is) very sensitive to stimulation & very easily OS and OT.
He's 3.5yo now so I can't remember an exact breakdown of timing but I do remember that I needed to start WD about 30 mins before I wanted him asleep. I would usually take him away from the living room where most of his toys were at that time, go into his bedroom and do low lighting and v quiet activities. I think from a previous post your LO is only about 12wks? I think at this age our quiet activity was just sitting with quiet music on or maybe a carry round the house or looking out the window or just a cuddle. Around 15mins before I wanted him asleep I would swaddle and play some music..same music every nap time, then turn off the light, put white noise on and into bed...
At 3 mo I still had to rock him to sleep but if yours will go to sleep with sh-pat (or a version of it) or PU/PD as I think you said that's what you were using then stick with that.