Our 22month old has recently become a big brother to a 12 day old baby. He is generally very good with his little brother and we haven't really had any issues with welcoming our new arrival to family life. No problems apart from bedtime... our toddler point blank refuses to settle and fall asleep without the presence of either myself or my husband and wakes several times during the night, when the whole cycle start again. Coupled with the feeding duties for the new baby, my husband and I are really struggling with the lack of sleep and our toddlers reliance on our presence. Any advice greatfully received!
He was previously such a good sleeper and would settle himself to sleep. There has been no change in his bedtime routine and he even indicates to us as the routine is coming to an end that he wants to go to bed. But when we place him in his cot and attempt to leave the room he becomes inconsolable until one of us returns to his room. Please help! Xx