It seems rather appropriate on Halloween but we have literally created a monster. Night clocks went back we put DS3 down 1 hour later, 8pm, and he slept until 5am (really 6) but 10 hrs and we were v happy. As planned DH took him out in car to try to push the day, said he slept/dozed another 20 odd mins until 615 in total, but was v calm and at least resting in his seat.
Nap was 1215-1 pm in the car, woke him, he was fine.
BT was 730 to reflect the later start.
This morning? 430am, the earliest waking in history in his short life!
We just feel clueless. DH has him in the car now and plan on getting him sleep until 6am, but this is the last morning of this as back to work tnrw.
The helplessness comes from not knowing whether to give him a 2hr nap to catch up on ot, no nap to try to get him to catch up overnight, or stick with 1215-1pm nap, and start BT at 7pm indefinitely keeping to these times nomatter how early the wake in the hope he eventually gets used to it?
Thoughts anyone?
I know everyone has their issues but I really appreciate the support, it's v helpful for us to feel like we at least have a plan, so thanks for everything