Hi becky,
I just wanted to say hi - it sounds like we are having very similar issues at the moment. My little lady has just turned 11months and our sleep is very inconsistent. :-(
I love the phrase 'it's just a phase' but it's a terribly long one!
We are def getting there with falling asleep independently, but reflux and milk/soy allergies have really hampered us. As Jessmum says , it's def worth checking these out. My GP assured me my lo was 100% healthy and recommended cio, but it turned out she has a severe, anaphylactic allergy to milk so they don't always know best. Once we sorted out her diet and got good reflux meds her sleep improved. We are still battling it, it's still exhausting, but it's better.
Wishing you really good luck. Hope it all starts to get better soon.
X x x