Hi sorry I've been out for a bit.
You did mention the BF situation and I had suggested not to do that bc it could cause milk supply issues I think but you mentioned you were ok. It sounds like once you fed her at night, she settled. She might just be hungry. Solids at this age isn't enough to keep her entirely full- its mostly veggies and fruits anyway- yk? That's not many calories as would be in formula or BM. Is there a reason why you only offer one side and not both in the late afternoon closet to BT?
I would figure out the nursing situation. NWs can be caused for a number of things. It won't always be NW free, yk? Especially not the first year at least. Hang in there hun. But I would def work on the feeds.
Based on your EASY however, I mentioned that if you get a 40 min nap, shorten the next A time, did you do that? When you got that 1 hr 10 min nap? If she's had short naps all day, basically anything less than 1.5 hrs, and she seems fussy/grouchy.. I would also do EBT to catch her up if she's tired from short naps. If my LO short naps, I reduce the next A always, slightly.
Many hugs. Teething is something to consider as well. Offer relief as needed