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Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2016, 21:27:39 pm »
Argghh...first nap was only 40 mins...which means next nap is at the time of her swimming lesson  :-\

Offline FPT23

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2016, 02:27:51 am »
Yk, i asked myself that same question about the 45 min thing... but generally it seems like UT but I had moments when my LO woke at like 50 min mark and it was OT.

Wait so I got a bit confused on your post haha... can you explain that again. Which was the nap and BT? Which did she scream with? Could you possible do it in EASY form?


Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2016, 02:44:00 am »
Yip, no worries,

6.45 - A
7 .15 - E - bf
8.15 - E - solids
9.30 - E - top up BF
9.50 - S
11- A
1pm - E solids
2pm - E - BF
3pm - S - put in bed at 2.15 but played until crashing out at 3pm
3.45 - woke screaming - unable to resettle
4 - E snack. - frozen Apple for teething
5 - E - solids
6.15 - E - BF
6.45 BT - didn't settle until 7.30pm

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2016, 13:14:01 pm »
Back to night wakings  :'(

Tried BT after 3 hr 15 A time however she resisted finally falling asleep 40 mins later and has woken twice so far..once she put herself back to sleep, this time we are assisting after giving her opportunity but :( she's not a very happy baby.

We just can't seem to get this BT right. Her naps weren't great today first was 40 mins after 3 hrs A time and the other was 1 hr 10....

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2016, 18:37:09 pm »
Another night waking last night.

Last A time was attempted as 3hrs but took 30 mins for her to settle. She then woke after 3 hours...I think she was trying to crawl as I heard her bash into the cot..cry for a few seconds but then she went back to sleep for 40 mins when I heard her bash in to,the cot again then cried, well screamed.

We tried to resettle, covered all bases...I decided to feed her and popped her back to bed awake and she went back to sleep.

Is there a growth spurt at 8 months?

Also I should mention, she had egg for the first time yesterday and seems to have had a delayed allergic reaction - she started with a little rash on her next we spotted after her first nap, but over the next 2-3 hrs it completely covered her chest, tummy and back  :'( she didn't seem bothered by it though...

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2016, 18:02:41 pm »
We aimed for her last A time before BT to be 3 hrs again...left her awake in her cot after some back rubbing...she kept checking I was still there and crying initially when she realised I wasn't managed to get to the door  :D...from checking the monitor she eventually fell asleep...her last A time then was 4 hrs....

Unsure how to proceed as we have tried for early BT due to her waking think OT but she doesn't go to sleep early, she is hard to settle and needs assistance for a while before she can be left. Then when she is left she stays awake, quietly rolling, rocking and flicking her dummy if she has it in...

4 hrs seems a big A time for a 8 month old? But despite trying we can't get it any shorter! Should I be trying even earlier say 2.45 last A time before bed?

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2016, 14:41:16 pm »
Aimed for 3 hr A time again, she fell asleep after some time awake in cot, so last A time tonight was 3 hr 15. Had one wake up 1 hr after BT which needed assisted resettle, then another wake up, 7 hrs later (now). Initial cry and now on/off very short bursts of whimpers then long silences with little to no movement - when I think she must be asleep again so don't go in...then a hear a little whimper...
Is this ut?

Her easy looked like this today.

1.50am - nw
7 - A
7. 30 - e - BF
8.15 - e - Solids
9.30 - S
11.40 - A
12.30 - E - BF
1 - E - solids
3 - S - was in bed at 2.30 but played for 30 mins
4 - A
5 - solids
5.30 - BF - one side
6.30 BF as BT routine - didn't take as much as norm.
7 - S
8 - nw - assisted resettle
1.50 - nw -heard her cry briefly- but then self settled
2.50 - nw - attempted self settle - then screamed...attempted assisted resettle....resulted in BF. Put back in cot awake and quickly resettled.

I'm really cautious of NF as she hasn't woke for feeding since three months except very occaisonionally - I could count it on one hand and usually at tine when it is said there is a growth spurt. It's been a few night in a row then she's slept through again...I really don't want to create a habit.

That said I'm wondering if she's not getting enough in the day as when Ve previously tried to cut a feed she's started waking in the night for milk...and usually she has 3 full feeds and up to three top up/half feeds - she's still pretty much fed on demand though.

I think I've mentioned previously that it's been suggested I reduce frequency to get her to take more milk but I really feel she takes a lot at her full feeds (her face blotches at times she's that hungry) and when I've reduced its led to nw.

Both tonight's NW and last nights resulted in BF, and despit this she w desperate for milk shortly after waking as usual, in the morning...which if she hadn't been genuinely hungry in the night I don't think she would have been so hungry so soon after when she's used to going 12-13hrs without food at night,

I should prob add she's eating more solids now too. This last week she's started eating just over a 1/2 cup per meal...wondering if this is affecting how much milk she's having and linked to NW? We offer water with solids and she's slowly getting hang of drinking from a cup (360 cup or sippy cup).

Offline FPT23

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2016, 20:39:52 pm »
Hi sorry I've been out for a bit.

You did mention the BF situation and I had suggested not to do that bc it could cause milk supply issues I think but you mentioned you were ok. It sounds like once you fed her at night, she settled. She might just be hungry. Solids at this age isn't enough to keep her entirely full- its mostly veggies and fruits anyway- yk? That's not many calories as would be in formula or BM. Is there a reason why you only offer one side and not both in the late afternoon closet to BT?

I would figure out the nursing situation. NWs can be caused for a number of things. It won't always be NW free, yk? Especially not the first year at least. Hang in there hun. But I would def work on the feeds.

Based on your EASY however, I mentioned that if you get a 40 min nap, shorten the next A time, did you do that? When you got that 1 hr 10 min nap? If she's had short naps all day, basically anything less than 1.5 hrs, and she seems fussy/grouchy.. I would also do EBT to catch her up if she's tired from short naps. If my LO short naps, I reduce the next A always, slightly.

Many hugs. Teething is something to consider as well. Offer relief as needed :)

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2016, 22:15:47 pm »

Yes I have been slightly shortening her A time after short naps...looking for tiredness cues at the 2 hr 45 min mark and usually down at the 3 hr mark.

The reason I only offer one side late arvo as I've found if I offer both she won't take even a half bed before BT...

Every time I have fed her she has gone back to sleep straight away though she's obv been very drowsy when I have put her down she still rolls around to get comfy but pretty much goes straight to sleep or has a few small whimpers and randomly scratches/strokes the sheet...then sleeps through until morning.

So is it usual when they have been able to sleep though without NF to suddenly need NF? Could it be due to exerting more energy with army crawling etc. yep I understand that they will not always be NW free but seems unusual for her waking to be going on so long about 3-4 weeks now when previously since 12 weeks she has slept through...even when she was catnapping for just 30 mins X 4 a day between 3-5 months she still slept through....

I guess I just don't want to be doing something that is contributing to it as I'm pretty exhausted as though it's only one wake up that needs assistance, I'm hearing her at least twice and can't get back to sleep myself then for a few hours so I'm living on 3-4 hrs sleep a night...

Offline FPT23

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2016, 04:08:34 am »
So sorry! Many hugs. I know it's hard... :(

Hadn't we had a few nights without wakes once you increased A times? I went back and read that you were on the right track. Did you stick w those same A times that seemed to have worked?

TBH, yes there are many things that can cause NWs. Growth spurts, certainly. You also always need to keep up w supply as well during the day especially with A times increasing and longer naps, solids etc. it's hard... I know ::) ...I BF as well.

Developmentally, her new found mobility can cause more tiredness and growth spurts happen often during the first year as well. Don't worry too much about your trying to help at nights. I think it's just a small bump that will phase out hopefully soon!

I'm sorry I am not able to provide better advice but I was sure we had fixed those NWs! :( sorry to hear they came back but positive vibes your way and many hugs! Hopefully this phase passes by quickly. Rest whenever you can during the day IF you can :(

Hugs! This will pass!

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2016, 08:15:42 am »
Thanks. Yes I thought it was fixed but we then had a few nights with it back despite sticking with the A times. Last night she slept through though was difficult to settle so her A time to eyes closed was about 3hr 45.

We will see what tonight brings...similar to last night hard to settle and a long A time...about 3 hrs 50 til eyes closed...we tried to go with a slightly earlier A time as her second nap was short...I think she was OT for the second nap...but she wasn't having a bar of it!

Yes I'm trying to keep up with feeds, I fitted an extra one in today.

I defo think there has been an improvement since pushing the A times as we are getting a few nights STTN each week....fingers crossed for tonight!

Offline FPT23

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #41 on: October 27, 2016, 00:30:10 am »
Right. I do also feel pushing A helped. It usually does ;)

I'm glad it did for you! Maybe if she's so unsettled, try for 3.5 A time to BT? My LO isn't even close to 4 hrs unless he was pushed accidentally bc of sports or events from DS1, yk?

Fingers crossed hun!! :)

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #42 on: October 27, 2016, 02:50:58 am »
We had a wake up at 2 am for a feed and I couldn't get back to sleep until 4.30am ish  :-\ and we have had two short naps today, 45 mins and 1 hour, both A times were 3 hrs 15...though she was starting to whine about 2 hrs 45...

She woke from both naps screaming...couldn't be resettled...first one though she had a dirty nappy so could have been that...I'm soooooo tired!

Offline SarahE

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #43 on: October 27, 2016, 07:47:07 am »
Oh man....tried 3.15 rather than 3.5 A time before BT due yo short nap...1 hour 45 later eyes were closed...every time I put her down she screamed...only wanted me...exhausted!

Offline FPT23

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Re: Night waking
« Reply #44 on: October 30, 2016, 02:08:58 am »
Aww many hugs!

That's difficult. I think it's best you keep to her good normal A time and don't jump around or push or take back too much.

If there is a shorter nap, the next nap shouldn't be TOO early, kwim? And if she's had short naps all day opt for an EBT and hope she catches up.

There is also some seperation anxiety around this age. I went/going through it too. Hang in there mama your doing well. This will pass :)
