My little girl was an easy baby. Not bragging. She was happy, has been on EASY schedule since a couple weeks old. She was 3 weeks early so she slept nearly around the clock for 2 weeks. About 3 days ago that all changed. She is 4months (will be 5months on the 19th). I was able to put her down in her crib and she would fall asleep, and stay asleep for her naps. Napping for 1.5 hours minimum.
Now she won't fall asleep on her own. I have to shush pat, and she sleeps for 45m or less. And once she wakes after that first time she wakes every few minutes. She is grumpy now. I have since the change been shifting from her awake time being 1.5hrs to 2. I just don't understand what is going on. I don't like that she is now not falling asleep on her own and then waking so frequently. Here's how today went.
7:30 - wake her and eat
8:00 - A
9:15 - s
9:55 - wakes up and I get her back down with ssh/pat or just putting my hand on her. She then sleeps/wakes up every 5-10 minutes
10:45 - Eats and A
12:45 -S
1:20 - wakes up and the battle begins again.
2:35 - done with the yoyo sleep. Eats and actvity
4:20 - s
4:45 - wake and no getting her back down.
We will bath at 6:30 and bed after that. Because her nap was so short this is now a huge stretch, but I don't know what to do.
She will wake again at 8 and we will yoyo for the next 1-2 hrs.
She has always done the 8pm thing. She had colic and it started at 8pm every night until she was about 3m . It's no longer colic (I can soothe her easily), but she still wakes every night at this time.
I just hate seeing my little happy girl be so unhappy. What am I doing wrong? My older son was a hopeless case I thought until I emplemented the PU/pd method, and then he was able to sleep through the night. So I am a huge believer.
Help me get my girl happy again.