So. Here we are back with 2x 40-45 min naps again. Around 6.5 months we pushed the 2nd A time and we got at least 1.5h nap in the afternoon. We are fine with a short morning nap and I wake her up after 45 min if she's still asleep to prevent short afternoon nap. But now it seems like there is not enough room in the day to fit everything!
For the record she goes down wide awake with her lovey and she sucks her thumb, 8.5 months old, started crawling at 8 mo and recently started pull to stand
6:30/7:00 WU & bottle
8:00 breakfast
9:15 to 10:00 nap 1
10:30/11:00 bottle & snack (new here for the snack we start today!)
12:00 lunch
13:00 nap 2 (SHORT! at daycare she has to go down at one and she will sleep LONG NAPS there but not at home!!)
15:00 bottle & snack (same as above)
17:00 dinner
18:30 bath
18:45 bottle and teeth brushing
19:00 BT (she takes anywhere from 5 to 20 min to fall asleep)