I've only just downloaded the BW book on my kindle and I haven't had the chance to read it through yet (my son's resistance to naps doesn't allow time for this!) so please bear with me.
My lb is 7 weeks old and weighed 10lb 4oz at birth and is currently 12lb 2oz. He had prolonged jaundice for around 4 weeks. As a result, we were instructed to feed him three hourly. He was very sleepy and feeds could take up to 1 1/2-2 hours. Unfortunately he is still in the habit of falling asleep on the bottle (nearly every feed-is this normal?). I try to implement EASY and rouse him for some activity time but the problem is that he will not nap during the day.
I have observed his sleepy cues... He yawns, zones out and stares straight ahead so I pick him up and attempt to put him down for a nap in the bassinet of his pram. More often than not, he'll waken the moment I set him down (ninja-like 🙈) or else he'll sleep for 10 mins and then waken. This happens even when he falls asleep on the bottle.
I don't swaddle him. It worked in the hospital when he was first born (the midwives did it) and then I didn't attempted it a few times without success until my health visitor said it increases SIDS. He does take a dummy but as soon as it comes out, he is awake so I hate using it and he doesn't need it at night. Any suggestions for a wind-down/nap routine?
Unless he is in his car seat in a moving car or his pram for a walk, he will not nap. I'm so worried that he isn't sleeping enough because most days he will go for 4-5 hours in the morning with maybe only a 10-30 minute nap.
He generally sleeps well at night but is inconsistent. We start the BT routine in his nursery-blackout blinds, nightlight, at 7pm with a split feed bath, massage, pjs and bed, follow a feed at 10 and then he'll either have one or two night wakenings. S'times he only takes an ounce in th second wakening. Then our day starts at 7. I don't know whether he sleeps so well at night because we have a good routine or more likely because he is absolutely exhausted from not having slept all day.
Feeding is also a concern and may be part of the problem because he tends to snack... Taking 1-1 1/2 or 2 ozs at some feeds (despite maybe 4 hours from last feed). There is no set time between his feeds but I do try to keep him to 3 hourly during the day.
Sorry for the essay but I'd really appreciate some advice.