My 8 wo son is a terrible napper -- if he's not in his car seat. He will take a 1-2 hour nap if we've gone somewhere and he is snuggled in his car seat. If we are at home and I go through our routine (swaddle, paci, and now bouncing) he will only stay down for 20 minutes or so. He will cry and fuss for about 15 minutes and eventually fall asleep, but won't stay asleep. I've tried just letting him be for a bit to see if he can fall back asleep, but that doesn't seem to work.
To get him to calm down I have to walk around the house and bounce with him. But, he's already 12 lbs and its starting to kill my back. If I put him in the sling on me, he will conk out and stay out a bit longer, but as long as I'm moving.
Our bedtime routine is going well. He will go down somewhere between 7-8, dream feed at 10, and stay down until around 3 am. Then ready to get up around 6-7.
Have I already created bad habits? How do I undo this? I've read the BW and know this is not how I want this to go in the long run, but I was desperate earlier just to get him to sleep during the day. Our pediatrician says its normal at this age to have varying nap lengths (which I get), but at the same time, if we aren't on the go and in the car seat he's getting way too overtired during the day.