Hi any teeth on the move? My DS1 had nap refusal and lots of Ew at this age and we put it down to language explosion.
He has all his teeth and has for quite some time now. He has been talking in sentences since before he turned two.
He dropped his nap pretty young, didn't he? Would you say he is low sleep needs?
He did, my oldest will still occasionally nap and he's 5! He is lower sleep needs but I have a feeling its possibly a UT/OT cycle or just OT.
How long have the EWs & NWs been going on? If it's a recent thing it could be a developmental thing, and might sort himself out in a week or 2.
Its been a few months. Normally when he wakes early I can get him down for a nap that day, put him to bed around 8pm and he will go back to a 6/6:30am wake time. Yesterday he crashed at 7:30pm so I'm thinking because of the waking crying from his nap and super early wake up that he was OT at bedtime? He woke at 4:20am crying and he needed to go to the bathroom.
Can you resettle to sleep at all if you get an EW, especially if it's before 5.30?
He never resettles. My oldest was like this too, if for whatever reason he wakes throughout the night, he is awake for hours. If he's awake after 5am he never goes back to sleep. I don't take him out of his room until 6:30am regardless of when he wakes up.
If none of the above and he no longer naps/ a nap is giving you even earlier waking the next day, then the only thing you have left to tweak is BT. Have you tried playing around with earlier or later BTs and seeing if that makes a difference?
We could try an earlier bedtime. At 6/6:30pm BT he crashes, I sing him 3 songs and he is usually asleep by the time I'm done. What would you try 5:30pm?
Hmmm is he an extreme LSN baby? Dropping to no naps at 18mo is the biggest extreme I have ever heard . How long was his night after dropping a nap?
He will be 3 at the very end of February so he dropped his nap right around 22 months. This was also the same time he potty trained and started speaking in 12 word sentences. We have always kept his days to 12 hours or less. He was napping before he dropped it for about 1.5hrs but then wouldn't go to bed until 9pm and be up at 6/6:30am so when he dropped the nap he ended up actually getting more sleep at 12 sometimes 13 hours.