Author Topic: Newborn (1week) wake time  (Read 2303 times)

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Offline mariarico

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Newborn (1week) wake time
« on: November 10, 2016, 02:32:39 am »
I am having a hard time reading my 1 week old cues.

What is the wake time for a 1 week old?
He naps 45 min in the day, and maybe a 2 hr nap.
Aren't newborn suppose to sleep longer?

I've been trying 45-50 min wake time but he still does a 45-60 min nap and wakes crying.
I swaddle and keep dark room, and sometimes it takes about an hour to make him fall asleep.
Don't know how to help him

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Newborn (1week) wake time
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 20:06:16 pm »
Hi and congratulations on your new baby.

Here's the link for average A times: Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!
But honestly, with such a young baby I would try not to stress too much about watching the clock and try to just get into an Eat, Activity, Sleep pattern rather than a timed schedule. Often they only manage a feed, burping amd maybe a nappy change then go back to sleep.

At such a young age they need to feed little and often (advice has changed since BW was written) and your baby may be waking early from hunger. At 1wk old both of mine fed every 1.5-2hrs & woke crying because they were hungry. 

I also used to mix cot naps with buggy, sling or car naps at this very young age, partly to get some longer naps and partly for my own sanity so I could leave the house and not constantly worry about routine.

Only other thing to consider is whether something else might be disturbing your baby's sleep & causing them to wake crying e.g. Wind or reflux?
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Offline mariarico

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Re: Newborn (1week) wake time
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2016, 01:20:14 am »
I tried just watching his cues and he yawned 2x at 1hr 15 min. Otherwise he sits there wide eyes showing no other signs. So I rocked him and he slept 45min.
I think that's a long wake time for a newborn.

He eats every 2.5-3 hours...already at 3.5oz of milk, he's 9 pounds.
No other signs or fussiness, just wide eyes as I try to make him sleep.

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Re: Newborn (1week) wake time
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2016, 08:01:23 am »
It's  a lot but also totally fine. If you see he settles better or sleeps better after a long activity like 1:15, it's totally fine to keep him awake for that long.