We don't have a big problem going on, I am just curious. LO is 2+ and sleeps well independently for naps and night time. He been a consistent EW at 5am most of his life.
Nowadays it's often closer to 6 unless he brother wakes him.
P.S. My goal is to sleep till 7, though I am happy with 6:30 if I can achieve that consistently. I have a 7mo who is awake all night and also EW at 4/5am so it's a long term goal
28 mo old schedule is:
5/6 WU
7 - Breakfast
12 - Lunch
1 - sleep
3/3:30 Wu
5 - Dinner
6:30 Bed
7 - Asleep.
So thats often a total sleep time of 12 hrs which I think isn't enough. But then it can be 13.5 sometimes so I guess that probably is enough. Am I aiming for 14?
He used to nap earlier but he started fighting it so we moved it later and it works. If he is up at 5am I often move lunch and nap an hour earlier, but BT is always the same, though sometimes he is asleep by 6:30pm.
Should I limit nap to 2 hrs?
Be sure cap at 2.5hrs?
Is 3:30 WU too close to BT?