We've been using Baby Whispering since DD was 3wks and it has been great, but this one I can't figure out. She went down to 1 nap at 17mo and was in a pretty good routine with BT around 7PM and waking between 6-7AM. 3 weeks ago we started a round of illness and teething and now her naps are erratic, NW, EW, and resisting going down. It's like one day she just refused to lay down and hasn't looked back. We've tried rocking her and (unfortunately) put her in our bed when we just couldn't make it any longer. We did stayed with her while she cried 1 night, and it worked for a few days, but we haven't had the stamina to do that every time she wakes though the night. Any suggestions or encouragement are appreciated.
What our normal day was:
6-7AM-- WU
7-7:30-- Eat
11-11:30-- lunch
2-3 hour nap, usually up by 3.