I am really hoping someone could help us. My 10 month old has never been a great sleeper from the day he was born, it got better at 6 months and then from 7.5 months its been madness.
We are yet to have a full night sleep.
For the last 2.5 months he has been rolling onto his tummy and automatically sits ups- he can lower himself and falls asleep on his tummy which we are completely fine with but when he wakes and realises he is on his tummy he cries so much until we move him back to his back, but weirdly he rolls right back onto his tummy and this can go on and on giving us all a awful nights sleep. I am trying to teach him to roll in the day but its tough with a active crawling baby. Sometimes he gets himself so worked up it takes us sometime to settle him.
In the day he is taking in total roughly 2 hours worth of naps in 2 naps, eats 3 meals a day and is still breastfed, usually by 7pm he is exhausted.
He wakes at night around 9 or 10, then midnight the rolling begins.
If he wakes from 5am he usually wont go back to sleep no matter how hard we try.
I have had to be flexible with my days as his mornings can start at 5am or 7, his next nap is after 3 hours awake time, then after that nap he has 4 hour awake time till his last nap of the day.
I honestly don't know what to do, I feel so exhausted and just want him to get his rest!