DS has just turned one and i have finally decided enough is enough and we need to do something about his sleep! a little background -
Hes currently in our room in a cot, he has his own room and cot but due to so many NW we have been reluctant to move him.
He has reflux and allergies but both i feel are now under control, although we do get random large vomits. Hes cmpa so on neocate formula.
He was rocked until we felt his reflux was under control, around 7 months.
His night usually goes like this -
we put him into his sleepbag and give him a bottle up in the bedroom quietly on lap with dimmed lights, wait for him to burp and then lay him down. We then have to give him a bit more bottle in the cot then replace with a dummy. Sometimes he will go to sleep fine, but more often than not we have to keep a hand on him to stop him standing up all the time.
Hes usually asleep 7-8 and first nw is normally 10.30-11 but sometimes 1-2 before then, from that NW he will wake constant anywhere from 8-20 times a night, every night. The only way he will go back to sleep is by giving him a milk bottle, he wont accept his dummy or any comfort unless he has had what he wants out of his bottle. He can go through 32oz of milk a night! we thought he was using the bottle as a prop to go to sleep but he doesnt fall asleep with it and if he starts drifting off and its removed he cries to drink more. At one point he did use milk as a prop but he would drink a little and fall asleep, it would be little and often, where as now he wants 4-6oz a time like he is thirsty/hungry, So im a little confused by it!
I know he needs to go in his own room, we also need to teach him to SS better and reduce the bottles but ive no idea where to start! I just need some sleep after 12 months.
His EASY is either -
Wu before 8 (usually 7-7.30)
nap 10.45 uncapped (will have anywhere from 45min - 1hr 30)
nap 3.5-4hr A time (usually capped at 30min unless bad 1st nap)
bt 7.30/8
WU after 8
nap 12.30
bt 7/7.30
I would love some help with this please!?