Author Topic: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?  (Read 6860 times)

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Offline C&B&E

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Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« on: November 26, 2016, 19:37:26 pm »
Just that really.

We're seriously thinking about starting it after Christmas, but I feel very daunted. DD has got a dairy allergy, DS has got various issues (possible ADHD, and things like persistent cradle cap). I'm having ongoing tests for a raft of health problems  ::), as well as persistent thrush (another  ::)). I've read enough to make me think this is worth a try.... But it's a huge lifestyle change for us.

I've joined a fb group, but wondered if anyone could hold my hand here!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 19:38:58 pm by C&B&E »
Claire x

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2016, 20:54:09 pm »
We didn't do GAPS but did dabble with Specific Carbohydrate Diet (similar). There is a pretty steep learning curve, but once you get going - and remember to make large portions so you have leftovers! - it does get easier. We also did the Body Ecology Diet for a while - 2 months off all dairy and most grains (except for millet, and also quinoa & buckwheat which aren't true grains).

A lot of Paleo meals are GAPS-compliant too, since it's primarily meat/fish/poultry/eggs, fruit/veg, and soaked/sprouted nuts & seeds, no grains or dairy, depending on whether you tweak it (some Paleo folks do some dairy - we do yogurt only). Pretty easy to avoid allergens when you're cooking from scratch.

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2016, 00:52:44 am »
I haven't a glue about GAPS but I was paleo for a few years. I'm on weight watchers now. I had to stop paleo because I craved yogurt and beans all the time. My body just liked them as I never felt full without these two things. Now I follow the blood type diet (despite thinking it all a bunch of BS, I gave it a shot our of desperation and haven't felt so good in my whole life. I'm a believer now). If you have any questions about paleo, ask away!

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2016, 00:58:52 am »
I tried GAPS for a few months.  Honestly I didn't notice any difference but maybe I didn't stick with it long enough.  Good luck.  Hope it works for you.

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2016, 01:15:12 am »
Thanks ladies  :)

M&N's mum, did you start off with the intro and move through the different stages? That's the bit I'm dreading, the hard core first stage!  Interesting to hear that it didn't make any difference to you.
Claire x

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2016, 01:25:12 am »
It was a while ago so I don't remember how long I spent on each stage.  I did start with the intro and move through them though.  Maybe I went too fast?  I found it hard not to be hungry or sick of the same foods.

There seem to be a lot of success stories out there though.

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2016, 22:40:05 pm »
Haven't trialed yet, but trying to with my youngest and DH. They both have many issues that really need attending to. Especially the baby who is very sick. 12months old and no safe foods. We are closing in on a g-tube feed it seems and I want to try to avoid that. He needs weight and foods. We are on gut rest til Jan 1st (since Oct 10th) and I plan to do intro GAPS for them and me (I'm BFing him too). First up will be meat broth, but he's failed chicken and lamb. Beef scares me as it is also a big FPIES trigger (bovine proteins). Anything else I can try? Hmm... I'm looking into Canadian Elk (moose) meat, but how to get that here for an every single day feeding thing. Not really doable.
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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2016, 00:29:20 am »
That sounds tough. Hugs to you xx

I have only just got the book, so I'm not very clued up about alternatives. There is a GAPS kids fb group that is very helpful. I may be wrong, but I think starting with the stock rather than broth is more gentle on their systems, so perhaps you may find more success with that  ???. I've got a friend who's son started with barely any foods too (he has a rare genetic condition, and one of the difficulties is multiple, serious allergies), and it was a very difficult path but it has made a profound difference to him.

Here to chat anytime x
« Last Edit: December 26, 2016, 20:47:16 pm by C&B&E »
Claire x

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2016, 04:38:00 am »
Haven't trialed yet, but trying to with my youngest and DH. They both have many issues that really need attending to. Especially the baby who is very sick. 12months old and no safe foods. We are closing in on a g-tube feed it seems and I want to try to avoid that. He needs weight and foods. We are on gut rest til Jan 1st (since Oct 10th) and I plan to do intro GAPS for them and me (I'm BFing him too). First up will be meat broth, but he's failed chicken and lamb. Beef scares me as it is also a big FPIES trigger (bovine proteins). Anything else I can try? Hmm... I'm looking into Canadian Elk (moose) meat, but how to get that here for an every single day feeding thing. Not really doable.

Have you tried turkey? My hubby can't do chicken but turkey is okay. I make a broth from turkey thigh bones.

Duck might be worth a try too.

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2016, 13:11:55 pm »
That sounds tough. Hugs to you xx

I have only just got the book, so I'm not very clued up about alternatives. There is a GAPS kids fb group that is very helpful. I may be wrong, but I think starting with the stock rather than broth is more gentle on their systems, so perhaps you may find more success with that  ???. I've got a friend who's son started with barely any foods too (he has a rare genetic condition, and one of the difficulties is multiple, serious allergies), and it was a very difficult path but it has made a profound friends to him.

Here to chat anytime x

My son has MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) which is a rare condition too. It affects the mast cells in his body and they are either modified or there are an abnormal number of them, which in turns makes his body reacts in every possible way to ANYTHING. Even his own tears or the outside air. And many many severe food allergies, which turns out for him it's FPIES (food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome). Basically he reacts to food proteins. Which means everything other than water and sugar. But for him, even certain waters trigger a reaction in his body. He needs RO water or a specific brand of bottled spring water. So complicated. Put it this way, his little body is basically allergic to the world.

Oh, I will look at the kids group. Thanks!
Oh and the stock, that's what I meant. Oops haha. Only short cooking.
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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2016, 13:13:21 pm »
Have you tried turkey? My hubby can't do chicken but turkey is okay. I make a broth from turkey thigh bones.

Duck might be worth a try too.

Poultry is a no go. Big FPIES trigger. As for duck, what are they fed? I have to avoid gluten, corn, soy, dairy, eggs... This is why I need wild game meats.
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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2016, 15:47:26 pm »
You might need to go with pastured birds/livestock then. I'm fortunate where I live that I *can* get soy-free eggs & chicken, but it sure isn't easy outside of raising your own!

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2016, 16:26:13 pm »
I did that with chicken. We still had corn reactions because they are finished with corn feed, or during winters thats what they get. This really sucks.
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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2016, 17:37:32 pm »
I read the book a few times and did it for my son. It worked really well for him but he had mild-ish issues. He still drinks his broth every day he loves it so much. I have a very good friend who healed her DD's FPIES with the GAPS diet too but it was a longer process. She dId it for herself too since she was breastfeeding. The FB group is very helpful.

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Re: Has anyone used the GAPS diet?
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2016, 18:40:47 pm »
I read the book a few times and did it for my son. It worked really well for him but he had mild-ish issues. He still drinks his broth every day he loves it so much. I have a very good friend who healed her DD's FPIES with the GAPS diet too but it was a longer process. She dId it for herself too since she was breastfeeding. The FB group is very helpful.

Yep, merci! :)
Proud mama bear to:

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