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Offline My little Liam

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Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« on: December 15, 2016, 13:31:30 pm »
So until now we have not really had any kind of schedule. I have a DS and between school runs and just regular day to day errands she has been sleeping in the carseat when out and on me at home. We found out she had silent reflux at 5 weeks. Anyways, she is an amazing night sleeper but naps are more our problem. When sleeping on me or in the carseat she can sleep for hours but in her bed we have a much harder time. I have spent the last few days getting her used to falling asleep in bed and not on me which is now going fine but her naps are all over the place. I have been keeping to a 1hr WT but i feel like her naps arent restorative and are shorter than carseat/on me naps so she seems tired all the time.

This is today so far:
Last night asleep at 2100, STTN until 0715. I decided to start our day at this point as i would like her to go to bed earlier. She seems to like an 11hr night in total.
WU 0715
A 0715-0815
S 0815-0930 resettled at 55min
A 0930-1030
S 1030-1225 resettled at 1hr15 slept fitfully and woke crying
A 1225-1335
S 1335-1405 resettled and fell back asleep at 1415 and is waking every 5 min. Final wakeup 1445
Have to leave soon to pick up my son from school so she will most likely fall asleep in the car.

Ok back from school pickup
She slept in the carseat 1500-1630 with cryouts.
A 1630-1730
S 1730-1830 resettled at 50 and 55 min.

She has a paci to fall asleep and i do need to replug sometimes which i dont mind doing at the moment.
So what do you think? Is she OT or UT at naps? I am really confused!
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 17:38:05 pm by My little Liam »

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Re: Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2016, 18:44:08 pm »
Looks like you are doing really well if you've only just started to put her down in her cot for naps :)

The shorter naps could well be that she is still getting used to sleeping, transitioning and waking on her own, without movement of the car or Mummy's arms and heart beat, yk? I wouldn't worry too much about her naps being a bit unsettled during this time when she is still learning to sleep alone.
That said though, you could try a slightly longer A time. 1hr 15, 1hr 20 is guidance for 2 months and that's about where you are now so you could try that and see how it goes? She might sleep better.

About the paci - so long as you are happy to re-plug for a long time then fine, but Tracy's method was not to re-plug and to only use the paci prior to sleep and remove before sleep to avoid the prop.  There are benefits to using the paci, SIDS guidance suggests it is safer, but also SIDS guidance is to not drop paci use with a baby who is used to it and relies on it for sleep so if it becomes habit now you kind of need to keep going on with it if you see what I mean.
All your choice of course just letting you know.

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Re: Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2016, 19:08:14 pm »
Thanks creations i will give 1hr15-20 a try. Tomorrow DD has her first round of vaccinations so schedule might be a mess...
What do you think about BT? Should that A be longer than norm? Today she woke from her last nap at 1830 and by 1950 she was a mess. Got her asleep at 2005. But she also didnt have such great naps today so i dont know if its because of that or because the A was just genrally too long...

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Re: Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2016, 12:38:33 pm »
Vaccinations are bound to effect sleep for a couple of days. Mine always needed a longer sleep but getting to sleep might be harder.

The A time before BT depends on the LO and the day routine really. Mine always needed a shorter A time before BT but some like longer.  I'd say aim for 1hr to 1hr 15 just now so that it's around the same or slightly less than the rest of the day and just see how that works out for you.

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Re: Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2016, 11:19:04 am »
Ok so one more question for you! Should i be waking from naps if we pass the 2hr mark to keep with the 3hr EASY?

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Re: Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2016, 11:48:59 am »
I rarely woke min from a nap, he would be in a terrible mood if I did.  The only times I really saw him do longer than 2hrs was illness or teething or after vaccinations, all those times I felt he probably just needed the longer nap.  If you find it is disturbing your routine long term (ie the next nap is always very hard, the whole day goes off track) then yes I'd consider capping at 2hrs but if it's just occasionally the longer nap or if it is not really disturbing the rest of the day then really I'd let her have that extra bit of sleep.  It's possible to feed on waking even if it's a bit over 3hrs and just continue the routine from there. You might find towards BT the feeds need to be closer together to fit them in before BT but that's fine, many have a cluster feed in the evening anyway.
of course if a medical professional has said you must feed at the 3hr mark relating to concerns on weight gain then I'd follow that advice and wake her.

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Re: Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2016, 13:53:38 pm »
I am back and a bit confused :-\
Trying to stick with an A around 1h15 but i am having a really difficult time keeping her up without a melt down. On the other hand, anything lower and she struggles to sleep past 50min to an hour..
Is it normal for the last 15 minutes to be such a struggle? DD is extremely fussy and crys but the moment i put her down in her bed she is out. If i put her down earlier at the moment she starts to fuss you can tell she is tired and really wants to sleep but has a hard time falling asleep and usually short naps ???

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Re: Officially starting EASY at 8 weeks
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2016, 09:25:45 am »
It can take time to adapt to a new A time as they get used to only being awake a certain amount of time and then feel sleepy because they are in that habitual routine. Increasing the A time can be tricky but usually they get used to it over a few days.
I wonder if she needs a longer or shorter wind down?  Mine always liked a short wind down and I can remember trying to put a longer one into the routine, it just made him fuss even more, I believe he was trying to tell me he didn't need or want it - mind you he was older than your LO. At 2 months he will have just been going to sleep independently for most sleeps and I'd perhaps help him nod off again if he woke early. He also had naps where he woke afte4r a short time and just lay there looking and listening for ages and eventually went back to sleep on his own.  If your DD is calling out after a short nap then obviously go to her, but if she is awake but not crying/calling then perhaps just leave her and she'll nod off again?