My DD is 25 mo and has had a rough track record to get to good sleep. I've followed many methods here and from Tracy's books along the way. We *just* got sleep the month before her 2nd birthday. Then we hit a few hurdles one right after the other, daylight savings time, right at her 2nd birthday and then immediately a virus from school and we can't shake the disruptions for sleep.
My guess is either one or a combo of:
-lingering snot/congestion waking her up
-separation anxiety
-spirited boundary testing
Routine is WU 6:15a (target, almost never hit it, but we were close before her birthday. I have an LED candle on a timer so she will stay quiet on me if she gets up, immediately calls out for me and I go in and hold her in bed until the candle turns on. This was our last hurdle...which I didn't mind. It was a long road getting here!)
Nap is anywhere between noon and 1:15 start for an hour and ~10 minutes (bad days 40 minute nap)
BT 7
Part of bedtime routine is bath, she's a super active messy one, it's necessary :-)
Even the past week she's screamed at not wanting bath, not getting wet. Clinging to me. I've gotten into the tub again with her and gotten her over it. She has taken a bath solo and willingly the past two nights, with a new light up fish toy from her birthday. We held many gifts back since she got very overwhelmed at birthday so it's "new" this week. Only bath toys to date have been simple foam letters and animals, nothing stimulating before bed. It's low lit with only candles and the Christmas tree in the house after 5:30p and even darker now that it's winter.
It's definitely some SA I believe. I don't want to ignore any real fears and cause real issues like fear of water or something awful later. We're good with bath, for now :-)
BT there's a lot of "i want up on mommy! No nite nite time! I want to sleep in the big girl bed with mommy!!!!"
She's verbose... Before it was calm and only took ~15 minutes max and she'd settle by herself with me only occasionally saying sleepy words and patting her back very briefly.
So now I continue to hug her standing in her crib and shh, "nite nite time, lay down" "time to sleep, everyone is nite nite" "rest your eyes, rest your voice, quiet and still"
She's jumping up and down screaming, crying flipping out generally. It's a little crazy!
This goes on for a bit. I sometimes stop talking, kiss her head and walk out (she pauses as I'm walking out and then immediately starts again). I wait ~20 seconds and walk back in.
None of this really matters, it always is horribly dramatic and about an hour.
Then she passes out. I try to reduce any physical touch after the first 20 minutes so she can attempt to self soothe.
I try to leave while she's still wiggling around a bit.
Then same scenario at 9/10p ish for an hour, or two

Then same at 3/4a ish.
At 3/4a, I give in and let her sleep on me in the "big girl bed" in her room.
This was my thing before after 4am I'd let her finish the night on me and it was gently leading us to her sleeping all night by herself. She'd gracefully gotten there just a few weeks ago.
I'm guessing I now have to remove this crutch?
I'm dreading it, because it will just mean another hour or two of screaming at 4am, which ends the night and starts our day.
Any tips to avoid world war three start of day? In our tiny house this means everyone is up, and super grumpy, all day from ~3/4 am. Very bad.
Oh, and she's done everything early and super passionately, can you tell?!

I have a horrible ear infection and I'm getting migraines again.
Haven't had a full nights sleep in two years (I know I'm preaching to the choir). We were just there though, gahhhhh!
I shall await any glimmers of light from you ladies.
Thank you thank you.