Thanks for your reply and apologies for my delay in responding, we have been on holidays over Christmas.
The ideal day is wake at 7 for feed and play and we have started lengthening the wake time to 1.5 hrs as he is 11 weeks now.
3 hours between feeds, trying to increase to 4 but not having much luck extending at present.
he has been in the habit of waking early over the past 2 weeks - 5.5.30ish and we shush pat him back to sleep.
shush pat also doesn't seem to work anymore so we're considering switching to pu/pd when it's not happening.
he does get some sleep in a sling, pram is a bit hit and miss but definitely doesn't sleep longer than one cycle.
I'd like to give more detailed info about the easy routine but much as we try without the sleep we just can't seem to establish a regular routine. We do give him play time after his feed and get him down to nap after no more than 1.5 hrs. We were doing 1 hour but seems like he needs to be awake longer as he is very alert and engaged.
in the past week, the naps have gotten worse and his night sleeping has been erratic too (except last night he slept from 7.30pm to 12.30am to feed and woke again at 4.45am to feed down at 5.30am until 7am)
we're thinking that this is a wonder week and may account for the disturbance to his regular sleep and we're hoping he will improve once he has settled into it.