Well I always nurse her after the nap so she is generally hungry at this time, especially after rolling around for 30+ minutes. My husband has occasionally been successful at getting her to sleep but often takes an hour of him holding his hand on her back, which we just don't have time for. If I try to comfort her by doing this, walking her around, rocking her, etc., she just screams and throws her paci. So it's either get her up or nurse her. She's been a really indepent sleep since 6 months or so, but when she wants to eat, she wants to eat. There was a time when I'd already nursed her before pm nap and she wouldn't nurse back to sleep and wouldn't settle so we gave up and had no nap.
I won't always be able to nurse her because I have my 5yo who has activities some days so we will at some point just have no second nap and see how she does. I'm inching the first nap later (5 mins every 3 days) so maybe that will help us get to one nap eventually. She's going down at 10:50 am now.
However, she just started her developmental leap and her teeth are coming in so the past two mornings I've had to nurse her at 4/5 am. Good news is, she always rights herself after the leaps and teeth, I just hope she does the same as she gets older!