(not sure if this is right board to post this. Mods please put it in correct place)
So I finally have to face that we must ditch paci. Ds is 31mo, and I gave already been warned by pedi about his teeth position. So paci must go.
But ds is very fond of his paci, he uses it both for sleeping and during the day also. It is a good way for him to release anger, but also to overcome boredom (i.e.car trips). Or just for basic comfort. Honestly it is a great relief also for me, but I think I have followed this shortcut for too long. With the pacifier ds also uses a lovey that he brings everywhere (as Charlie Brown
). But paci & lovey always go together. I have no issue for him to use his lovey, but they are linked together in his mind.
I have many questions.
Should I ditch paci only, but both for days and fir night?
Should I ditch paci only for just day? Night I can go on a little more, I would be happy even just not having to double check if paci is there everythime we go out and about. Also I fear for his night sleep as he is not the best sleeper.
I feel the best for me would be to do some step instead of going cold turkey, but not sure what is better for ds. Maybe my middle ground is not easy to understand for a 2.5yo.
Which story/book/tale can I tell to him to release the pressure from us?
Thanks wise ladies, I am looking forward for your advice and btdt.