I thought I will write in with an update and also a new problem (hmm..). So, in terms of getting him to sleep independently, there hasn't been much progress as we had to go GW with him. I tried WI/WO and he wouldn't have any of it. Instead, I now just rest my hand on his cot and he extends his out for the touch. Initially, he protested against this but now this is the new normal. I am now thinking of ways to not even offer him that and just use my presence to calm him if possible. Whenever I have tried this during the night so far, he refuses to settle unless he can touch my hand!
For the past 2-3 days, I tried shortening his nap from usual 2 hours to 1.5 hours (1130 to 1 pm) in the hope that this might make him sleep better in the night. On one hand, this seems to have helped as he is now really tired in the evenings and sleeps within 30 minutes (earlier it took between 45-60 mins). Also, he is not waking every 2 hours but once in the night anywhere between 1 to 3 pm. Unfortunately, when he does wake up, he refuses to sleep on his own and even with the hand it can take up to an hour for him to fall asleep and if we leave him during the hour, he is just screaming and crying. After that, he is also waking up earlier than usual (530 am where earlier it was 630, 7). I am worried he will be OT if we keep on with this but I cannot understand his NWs.
Any advice?