At the moment, I'm up to patting to sleep. Paci and pat. There is no attempt on his behalf to self settle. I don't know where we went wrong. At around 6 weeks, he would occasionally self settle, but now, I feel like I'm going yo be patting him to sleep for the rest of his life. When he wakes at night, I'm quite strict. I'll feed if it's been 3hrs since last feed, but otherwise, I'll put paci in and just put my hand on him and he will go to sleep (if not, I pat). If I put paci in and walk away, he will cry.
He still naps 30mins with one 40 min naps thrown in there this week. I cannot for the life of me, get him to resettle. Even if he seem really tired, I just can't. If I put my hand on him, he will play with it, grab it and intently observe it. Eventually after about 20mins or so, I get him up and we continue our day.