OMG, it was one of 'those' nights. I was so frustrated with the whole thing and so tired. I have to admit that I was feeling hostage to my toddler and that wasn't a good feeling. Such out of character behavior for her as well, it just threw me off! In the end I managed to get her down at 1am after a play in the lounge and a bottle. Upside down world, but today is a work day for daddy and it's not fair to keep the whole house up.
She is teething with the first big teeth so I gave her Calpol at bed time and then Brufen at 9ish when she woke up the second time thinking it was that. Why can't they just tell you what's wrong?!
I think I tried everything. My first instinct was to keep it all to the normal approach we have which is to just sooth her without bringing her out from the cot, give her to dummy, lovey and walk out. That tends to work and she will go back to sleep - unless there is a pain or something bothering her. But she was wailing, screaming really. Big, fat, little girl tears, standing in the cot saying 'mamma'. I thought it was pain, so medicated her and sat with her to wait for the medicine to work. From there on it was downhill. Lots of crying and screaming and fighting. When she'd calm down she would just lay there looking at me, so I would put her back in the cot and BAM! We'd start it all over again. Her dad tried to come in and take her but she wouldn't go to him, in fact when he did pick her up it got worse and I had to run back in.
We did several cycles of calming down, going into cot and crying. I sat on the floor with my hand on her (separation anxiety?) but that didn't work either. I'm stumped! It was definitely not a pain, the Calpol, Infacol and Brufen would have fixed that, no?
In the end around 12 I gave up because her Daddy works today and needed sleep so I took her into the lounge. Where she happily walked around for a half hour talking to herself and then cried some more (she was super tired, she normally goes down at 7!). At 1am I made her a bottle and that, I think was what did it. The first time I feed her in the middle of the night since she was 3 maybe 4 months?! She eventually made herself comfy on my lap and slept.
Generally I can find an explanation as to what is bothering her, with independent sleepers who enjoy sleep it's usually something but this time it really threw us all. And I got so exasperated over the heartfelt crying as well. I didn't know how to help her and I think that is the worst feeling in the world.
Thanks for the link, I'll have a look at it now. x