Author Topic: 13 MO, wakes up 3 times/night - Help please! We already removed all the props  (Read 1472 times)

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Offline Palmira78

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My DS2 is a lovely spirited baby, but despite he is 13 MO, he still does not STTN. In fact he wakes up a lot. Since he was borned he never was a good sleeper, although we have seen some improvements. He is an independent sleeper for BT and nap. We place him awake in the crib and falls asleep quickly, alone and by himself. No pacifier, no nursing or extra help. His father and I are extremelly tired and we do not know what else we could try.
Every time he wakes up, he calls us crying, then my husband or I go with him, sometimes we manage to soothe him with words, other times we have to touch his hand, and then he returns to sleep. He has only STTN 4 days in his life, when we switched from 2 naps to 1 nap, and then he resumed waking up a lot. Also, we left him one night with his grandparents and only woke up once (but they followed the same routine, I gave them everything written down, so we do not know what was their magic :-)).
He sleeps from 20.00 to 7:30, 11.5 hours in total, and he naps for 1.5hours. He is a good eater, and we have already rooled out the "hunger" posibility, since we also tested a couple of nights to offer him a bottle on his first NW and still woke up again later. We keep his routine and his timing for food and nap exactly the same every day.  He wakes up happy in the morning, and he does not seem OT during the day, only the last 30 minutes before BT he seems a little cranky.
His NWs are not at the same time every night, he tends to wake for example at 23:00 and 2:00. Or at  0:00, 2:00 and 5.00. If we see him clearly in pain because he is teething, or with belly pain, we do medicate (but this does not make a great diference either).
His room is totally dark, silent, the temperature is stable with a thermostat and he is not sweating or too cold. We have also asked his pediatrician and gave us no suggestions, just wait and see  ::)
Any suggestions? If it is just a little of hand holding I will also appreciate it.

Offline Martini~

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Ideas here would be that he is LSN and need slightly shorter nap or longer day or that you need to stop helping him to go back to sleep as quick as possible and i.e. sooth him from the door without touching him, just reassurance from the distance.

Offline tathi-b

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Could he be used to waking?  Does he have a lovey that helps him when he feels insecure?  I find that my daughter will often cuddle her teddy first and call out for us if that doesn't help.  I hope it gets better. x

Offline Palmira78

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Thanks for your replies, Ladies. They are very much appreciated.
Yesterday we received our DS blood test results and it turns out that he has the celiac desease. In the blood test lots of the values come up wrong... etc. I have searched in the internet and with only a few of them would be enough to justify the wakings. It has really taken me a while to convince the doctors (private and public) to run the  blood tests on my LO, since he grows, develops well... etc :-( I hope that when his health gets better the NWs will desapear...

Nevertheless, in any case, I feel that he is also "used" to waking up. I always try to reassure him from the distance, but when I do not succeed I do not like leaving the poor kind getting more and more upset.
Regarding the low sleep needs, I do not think that this is the case since at BT he really goes very quickly back to sleep. Besides by the end of the evening I already see that he is really tired. It would be difficult to hold on for a later BT, and the nap is actually quite short.

Thanks for suggestiong the idea of the lovey. I am trying to ensure that he gets attached to his teddy but I am not being very succesfull. Any tips for that? He already had several blankies in his bed and he also received a lovely teddy for Christmas. I have tried to encourage him to play with it, also I bring it with us when he nurses but he does not seem to care...