Thanks for the replies. Both kids stayed at grandparents last night in order to give us a much-needed break, but DS2 didn't have a great night and was up from 2.30 to 4am.
In answer to your questions, we have dropped the night feeds, we offer him some water which he takes and then we have to rub his back until he falls back asleep. He was going to bed and naps okay on his own but this past week he has needed us there either rubbing his back or cuddling to sleep at naps and bedtime. Here is his rough EASY (I try and stick to set naps where I can)
WU 4am
Get up at 5 or just before
5.30 E big bowl of porridge
S 11
A 1 (I wake at 1 if he doesn't wake naturally)
E 1.15 avocado or toast - he really doesn't eat a lot and is pretty fussy
E 4.30 - again, he doesn't eat a lot but I try and persevere by offering what we are eating. He will eat a few pieces of carrot with some bread. He was eating rice but has gone off that, he doesn't eat any kind of protein as he refuses egg, meat, cheese, fish. He will eat one of the Ella's pouches but that's not something I want to encourage regularly. He eats a lot of blueberries and corn on the cob!
S 6.30 if he has slept for 2 hours, closer to 6 if less than 1 hour. He has 9oz milk in a bottle after his bath, then lay him down awake. Sometimes he babbles away for 10 minutes then falls asleep, but the past few nights he has cried as soon as he goes down and has needed us to stay and rub his back
Then the night wakings could be anywhere from 11pm onwards. We go in, give him some water then he lays back down and we walk out. If he starts crying we go back in and rub his back until he's asleep.
On Tuesday he was at nursery and slept 2.5 hours for his nap, and we put him down at 7pm. He slept straight through until 4.30am but then he was totally awake. We have tried with an afternoon catnap but he simply won't do it, and if DH isn't here it's impossible to try and APOP one so unfortunately we're stuck with one nap.
The other thing is that he is very spirited and seems to find it very hard to relax. Even at bedtime he never seems very relaxed going down and even the babbling to sleep seems quite stimulating to me. Obviously there is a lot going on with a 5 year old running around as well but I wonder if there are any ideas for winding down a spirited toddler? We usually take him upstairs 10 minutes before his bath and do some books, then he's in the bath for 5 minutes before getting dressed and having his bottle.
I'm going to book a docs appointment next week to test for possible food intolerances to rule anything out there, but he really doesn't eat a lot apart from breakfast (he can't get enough of porridge and natural peanut butter). Maybe it's lack of food which is causing the NW? If so, I don't know what to suggest since he's so fussy. I feel like we've tried everything so far and no luck 😥