Sounds like she might be getting ready to drop that morning CN and is resisting that nap with you if she doesn't need it. It also sounds like she might be going through a phase of separation anxiety.
How long did you try to get her to take a pushchair nap? Is it possible that she had an understimukated morning with trying to get that nap?
I think I'd try quiet but awake time around 9.15/30ish (e.g. a cuddle and a story) but then lots of play for rest of the morning and aim for just 1 nap after lunch. Hopefully she'll be tired enough by then to settle.
If she does go to 1 nap, you may find you need to move BT a bit earlier on 1 nap days. You may find she does some 2 nap and some 1 nap days for a while and may do a different routine with CM to the one you have at home.
SA is also common at this age which also could be making her more upset at nap times. This link might help:
Separation Anxiety