Hi there
My nearly 10mo DS has just started waking at 4/5 am (previously 6 am). Wants to get up and is pretty chirpy.
I am worried that this means hes going to transition from 2-1 naps. Have read the pinned post guide to this and it would seem that he fits into the "has two good sleeps in the day but wakes early in the morning" category.
He just seems so young for this. He is 10 months on the 5th Feb. Easy is:
6 am (well when that was happening) WU / bottle
7.30 am breakfast
10 am bottle
10/10.30 am nap
12/12.30 pm WU then lunch soonish after
2 pm bottle
3.30 pm catnap for 45 mins
6 pm bottle, then bath, bed - lights out at 6.30 pm
Would you be pushing that nap later? He does yawn and seem ready for that first nap around 10.30 am. He seems like he could take or leave the 3.30 pm one to be honest, but I don't want that 6 hour no-nap stretch at this point!
Do I have to accept that he's an early 2-1 transitioner? Or could it be something else? Like a lot of 10 months old he has the usual combo of teething, trying to walk, getting more active so he is going through some big developmental stuff but he's happy, even with teething pain.