My 18 week old daughter has recently gone through her "4th Leap" (if you follow wonder weeks) and we have our cheery, goofy baby back. But with this has been a change in her naps. She is consistently waking after 30-40mins sleep and cooing and singing to herself in her crib, after a while this turns to fussing and eventually crying. At this point I will go in and try to shh/pat (she uses a soother so PU/PD isn't appropriate) but I'm finding she has become super resistant to shh/pat and I end up giving up and getting her up.
This weekend we plan to stop the soother use, I've just put her down for a nap without it this morning and with a 5min shh/pat she went off to sleep fine.
I just don't know what's the right thing to do here.. our 3yo did the same singing/cooing when she was a baby, this was her way of getting herself to sleep. But how to I help her actually get to sleep after? Should I be shh/patting sooner when she wakes and starts cooing? I've considered wake to sleep - I had success with a habitual 12:50am wake up but I did it with her soother which we are planning to take away; so I'm nervous to try this as she's a very alert baby.
Any ideas on how to extend her naps back to normal!?