Author Topic: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????  (Read 2749 times)

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Offline hynygirl

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How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« on: February 02, 2017, 04:54:02 am »
A bit of backstory...
Our 18wo is waking in the night a lot. She has a soother for sleep only, which has become a prop (we'll be stopping it's use very soon), She sometimes wakes just for her soother but will want to eat twice each night - and takes a full bottle each time. I really feel she can eat more during the day but I don't know how to fix it. For example - last night I did a DF at 10 (couldn't stay up any later!) she woke at 11:50pm and after screaming bloody murder through my trying to ssh/pat I finally fed her and she drained the bottle easily.  She woke again at 2am, hubby put soother in and she woke again at 3:15am and drained another full bottle.  She then woke at 5:50am, I gave her soother and she laid cooing and singing for 30mins then started to fuss at which point my 3yo also woke (ugh) so we all just got up.
She is formula fed. She has very mild reflux, on meds, seeing a chiropractor - she's a very happy baby.  I had posted before that around 3.5months that she started eating less... I found a sticky about this topic at the same age so I think it's a phase around that age. She would eat around 18oz in a 24hr period. Weight gain has not been an issue, in fact her paediatrician said she has gained more then the daily average.  She just finished up her 4th leap and we are in "sunny days".  She has upped her intake of formula and is now taking about 25oz in a 24hour period. Part of the problem is she will take 2 full feeds in the night and I can't get her to drink more during the day.  Here's our typical day lately (today's early wake up is not typical)

E  7:30am
A 8-9:30am
S 9:30-10:45

E 10:45
A 11-12:15
S 12:15-1:15

E 1:15
A 1:30-2:30
S 2:45-4

E 4
A 4:15-5:30
S 5:30 catnap till 6:10
We do quite play while getting ready for bath/bedtime routine
E 6:50/7 and straight to bed.

I usually DF at 10:30 but honestly have only found a handful of times as of late that it makes a difference - she still wakes only a couple hours later and will drink a full bottle. 
Daytime feedings are getting better but mid-day feeds she will typically only drink 2-2.5oz and I cannot get her to take more.  I'm at a total loss how to up her daytime intake so she doesn't need so much at night. I've been slowly trying to transition her to a 3.5/4 hour EASY, she can definitely go 4 hours without eating and at times she'll go that long and still only take 2-3 oz.  She will flat out refuse the bottle after.  I've tried giving her a break.. change her diaper and come back to it but she still refuses.  Do I change her daytime schedule? Her Dr recommended for the reflux I feed her more often with less quantities.. I just don't see how to fit this in.. and I don't find her reflux to be overly severe, so I'm kind of afraid to do that in fear of creating a snacking problem.
Any tips on increasing her daytime intake or decreasing her nighttime?

Offline mariarico

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Re: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2017, 01:46:38 am »
You just described my son exactly!!!! Except for he is 13 weeks, but he's doing the exact same thing and I bring him to a chiro too.
I tried changing to the next nipple level but that made him choke and he cries
I was thinking maybe it's a phase?

Offline hynygirl

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Re: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 03:48:26 am »
mariarico around 3.5 months my daughters intake went way down, I could only get her to take 2- 2.5 oz at a time.  I seem to recall my older daughter doing the same around this age so I definitely think it's a phase.  I actually came across a sticky on one of the boards on this forum regarding this age and a phase of fussy eating.  I think we are finally just now past that phase because she is eating more but she is still taking two small bottles in the daytime and 2 full bottles in the night so I want to reverse the two.  Last night I gave her one full feed and then only 2 oz at 3pm and she has ate really well all day so fingers crossed we have a good night!
As for your little guy, I would say it's likely that weird 3 month phase and as long as he's happy and gaining just go with it.  One of those weird things babies do! I stressed myself over it but my daughter was gaining over the average in weight so it was probably undue stress. 

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Re: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2017, 17:23:09 pm »
They do like to keep us on our toes with weird phases!

Formula fed babies often need to go to 4 hour feeds before breastfed babies do, so if they are dropping volume in the day I would first try stretching to 3.5 or 4 hours to see if that makes a difference. You my need to do it in 15 min increments.

Increasing teat size often helps too if you haven't tried that.


Offline mariarico

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Re: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 14:55:34 pm »
I was wondering how your lo is doing now with feeds?
Mine has been poorly eating since 12 weeks, now 16 weeks and I feel it's getting worse

Offline hynygirl

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Re: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2017, 03:48:53 am »
Mariarico we were doing much better but have recently taken a step backwards.  She was up to drinking 4/5 ounces and sometimes 6oz at a feed.  We had her reflux under control and I think that was the turning point - I think the reflux is worse then I had thought.  It's not so controlled at the moment so she back to eating only 2.5-3 oz again.  She 5months now so we've decided to start introducing solids.  I'm taking it slow but hoping it will help.
I'm sorry your lo is having trouble still! Are there any underlying issues such as reflux that may be causing it?  It does seem to be a developmental thing around that age though.  There is a topic on this forum related to age and poor eating.  I'll try to post the link for you..

Offline hynygirl

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Re: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2017, 03:51:34 am »

Offline mariarico

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Re: How do I increase daytime formula intake??????
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2017, 04:52:12 am »
Really! So what were your lo symptoms of reflux?
 You had tried nat phos right? We had spoken on another post
are the solids helping?