Hi there, I see you've already had some advice from previous poster (thank you!) but just wondered how you were getting on?
I think perhaps there may be a couple of things here that might need tweaking to make this easier on all of you:
he has just finally learned to sooth himself a bit but does so on his bottle
First would be if you've noticed a tendency for LO to get to that calm/sleepy state with his bottle, I would change up the bedtime routine to remove the bottle from the equation. Obviously he can still have a bedtime bottle! But perhaps do it in the bright noisier story room instead of in the dark bedroom.
Second thing I notice is his routine. It's not unusual for a spirited baby to drop to one nap earlier than most, but his routine is a bit 'wonky' in that the nap is early, and quite short for one nap, so there is a huge stretch before bed which means he is almost certainly OT going to bed. A more typical 1 nap routine would be a nap around midday, at least 2h, and perhaps a touch earlier bedtime. Do you have any say in what happens at daycare? I know it can be hard.....if not would you consider getting him to bed earlier on those days?
If you do have some flexibility I wonder if you may need to consider trying to get a 2 nap routine going again just for a little while longer? It's a rough time for sleep with the 2-1 transition but often holding onto 2 naps until LO is a bit older makes it somewhat easier. If he's spirited and was refusing afternoon naps, I'd go for something very like your weekend routine, getting him down at 9.30am and waking him after 20-30 mins, then down again at 1/2ish for hopefully a longer nap. Would that be possible?
In terms of settling him there is no magic trick other than consistency, consistency, consistency! It sounds like he *can* do it at times (sucking on blanky and going off to sleep) so I would suggest on the times he is just playing and messing about you ignore him totally - stay in the room (for now) but don't intervene at all. Only go to him if he is crying but instead of picking up I would suggest you just use 'put down' - quoting from the PUPD FAQs:
8 MONTHS TO A YEAR - At this age you really don’t do any pick up as babies 8 months and up tend to soothe faster in the crib.
• You wait for them to stand up or pull up and then you place them back down so they are looking away from you and not at your face.
• If you feel they are truly frantic and need more you can pick them up for a moment but you put them straight back down.
• At this age it’s important to use your voice even more. Your baby will start to recognize what you are saying, eg. “I’m not leaving you, you’re not alone, it’s nap time” etc.
• At this age you may need to pair pu/pd with gradual leaving of the room. First you stay in the room until asleep, then move a few feet from the crib, in a few days you move to the door, then out the door.
when ever i try to move on to the next step in abandoning bad habits, there is a regression.
Just wanted to reassure you this normal
![Smiley :)](https://smiley.babywhispererforums.com/Smileys/classic/smiley.gif)
The key is holding firm through the regression - LO will try to test to see if you are serious about the new 'rules' - the more consistent you can be the sooner the message gets across x