Being honest I don't know where the problem lies, that's why I am starting the thread. I remember DS1 when the milk was going too fast and it doesn't look like that, because when he starts proper sucking he drinks well.
I like bec's idea that maybe it's too hard work for him to drink from the bottle (as stupid as it may sound) as he really sucks/licks the nipple from the bottle and he does it strongly but without milk coming. It seems like he either do it wrongly (so sometimes he knows how to do it, sometimes, he doesn't) or he doesn't put enough power in it. I thought that's the way he protects himself from a fast flow but it seems a good hypotesis that my let down is very strong (as I feel it) and more attractive than the bottle. He works great with the breast and even if the milk comes too fast he really gulps it quickly. 7wo and draining breast (I guess around 80-120ml) in 6-7min.
For daytime bottle I don't mind this problem. I can spend additional time feeding him and I use bottle really occasionally so even if he gets less, he will get more on the next feed. But I dream of introducing dreamfeed and when he is half asleep and not used to eating at 11pm, it was amazingly hard work to encourage him to drink anything. I mean I tried last week and it was a nightmare. 5 days in a row and no learning curve or good pattern emerging. I stopped thinking maybe he is not ready for it at 6wo, too sleepy at 11pm or whatever, but two days ago I observed the same pattern during daytime feed and thus my question.
I ordered and already have bottle with 1m+ nipple (2 holes instead of one) so I will try in couple of days. Let's see if it will help...