This is my first post and it’s going to be a very long one but thought I’ll try and get as much info down at once... My 7 month old daughter from a young age was able to sleep long stretches at night. At around 5.5 months she was going from 7pm to around 4am BF and back to sleep to 6.30am ish, sometimes slept right through. Then, she suddenly refused her afternoon nap. I was not prepared for this! On some days I was able to get her to have a catnap in the buggy but now she won’t even do that. Not in the car, sling, nowhere will she sleep in the afternoon. At around the same time, I started introducing formula, then we started weaning. Until weaning she was on a 3.5 EASY. Since then her night sleep has got worse and worse. She is a very happy, smiley, busy, big and healthy baby but has become so overtired. She used to be so easy to read, but I have lost all confidence and I don’t know how to get out of this situation.
-She is a thumb sucker
-We are restricted napwise to the first nap being after 9.10am and the second finishing by 3.00pm due to the school run for my older son.
-When she’s well rested she can do 3 hour A times no problem.
-She settles for her naps and bedtime with no assistance unless very worked up.
-I rarely get a nap longer than 1hr 20. Sometimes 1hr40 in the morning.
-I have reduced her solid food a lot compared to last week. She can eat a lot. But has been constipated and windy and also not taking so much milk at bedtime so thought we’d reduce the quantity and drop tea time for a while.
-We have never done a dreamfeed.
This was yesterdays EASY including the previous night, then last night and today so far:
7.00pm BT
11.30pm AE BF
12.00 S
2.30am A Tried to settle in cot. This never works. Picked up. Did a modified ShushPat, once calm she puts in her thumb and I slowly put her in the cot. Nearly settled. Fed (don’t think she was hungry) didn’t work. Did ShushPat again. She seems asleep and will suddenly turn/move and starts crying again. Sometimes is proper, sometimes is mantra crying.
4.00am S
6.15am A I gave her a pacifier to keep her quiet. I only do this occasionally.
6.40 E BF
6.50 She fell asleep feeding
7.10 A
8.00 Solids pear and apricot
9.15 S 1hr 10mins Typically 1hr20. I have been giving cereal at breakfast but didn't today. I think she was hungry on waking?
10.35 A
11.00 E FF/BF
12.15 Solids Sweet potato
1.35 S 35mins! This is new. It happened the previous day and I could not resettle her.
2.10 A Did shushpat and she slept a few more mins.
2.50 AE BF
6.00 E FF/BF
6.20 BT This is the earliest bedtime we have done.
10.30pm AE BF
10.50 S
12.30 A Tried to settle, was nearly asleep, I heard her tummy rumble. Started crying. I fed her and settled ok again. My milk supply is pretty low at night now, I think because for quite a while I wasn’t feeding her at night. Maybe I am not able to give her a good night feed anymore. Got a bottle ready.
1.00 S
1.40 AE FF
2.00am S
5.30 A
5.45 E BF Again not much milk there I don’t think. Wouldn’t go back to sleep. This is too early to get up IMO so I used the pacifier again. She slept in my arms to
6.45 E BF
8.15 Solid Pear and Millet porridge
9.30 S 50mins
10.20 A hungry?
10.45 E FF
12.15 Solid pea and sweet potato
1.10 S
This is my planned EASY. I would prefer 7-7 day but will go with earlier for now.
6.30 A
9.30 S
10.30 A
1.30 S
3.00A It’s rare to get longer than an hour for this nap though
6.30 BT
Does this look ok? She is more likely to do the longer nap in the morning but think it would be restorative to have the longer in the pm if possible.
So a long list of questions:
-What I do about the very recent short naps? We battled 40 min naps for a long time but I thought it was sorted. Bring them earlier? And how do I get back on track for daytime. Is there a magic way I could get a 2 hour nap?
-Any ideas about the long A time in the afternoon?
-I am feeding and changing her nappy on the first waking straight away as it’s about 4 hours from BT feed. Is it possible she is very hungry then, even though she never used to be and I don’t have enough milk? If so I should try a bottle then. She usually (but not always) feeds to sleep and settles no problem. Should I somehow keep her from falling asleep so I can put back in bed awake and she falls asleep independently?
-If she isn’t hungry what do I do in the night to get her settled more quickly or not waking at all? I genuinely cannot face pupd. My back and shoulders hurt now and her crying already disturbs my son and the neighbours. I always end up trying to feeding her, is this bad!?
-Is giving a pacifier at an EW going to cause a problem that she will wake expecting it? She seems to take it no problem and I have considered using it at night.
-Approximately what age can they handle a 4 hour A time?
- I been trying for about 2 months to introduce a lovey. Keep it next to me while feeding and at quiet, wind down times. I put it in the cot and she plays with it and throws it around! Any ideas?
I am sorry there is so much info and questions. Thank you to anyone who takes a look at this. Any thoughts would be very welcome.
Tired tired Lizzie