Stopping by with a hug and a hand to hold after seeing your other posts too. x
If you are not comfortable with PUPD it is not the only option, some parents prefer to use shush/pat or an adapted shush/pat (eg firm hand, stroking, slight rock in the cot, key phrase, white noise) along with some gradual withdrawal. Personally I couldn't have coped with PUPD although did use a somewhat adapted version for a transition from baby hammock to cot, my LO was already an independent sleeper but found the transition very hard and needed lots of support to make the move. For all other routine changes, developmental mile stones etc I used an adapted shush/pat regardless of age - even now at 6yo my DS gets his head stroked if he is ill, in pain, or over stimulated and can't get to sleep, other times I use our key phrase and verbal reassurance from outside the room, it depends on the situation - all coming from those early days of sleep training and offering additional support when needed.
PUPD is not a no-cry method. None of the BW methods are "no cry" but shush/pat might be a better option for you if you find the crying particularly difficult to cope with - it is also okay to use something like ear plugs or headphones with some calming/favourite music playing for you to focus on. You can still hear baby but it dulls down the harshness of the screaming and so long as you are with baby supporting him he is not going to be affected by you listening to music to help you through.
As bec has said, if you post your EASY we can look at your routine times and see if a change of times is needed.